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Re: Linseed, woolens, metal Flax is in my sufficiency mod!  If you want to add just it by itself, suitable for making flaxseed porridge and such, add this to your flora files:

Code: [Select]
.Flax.  (40) [grass]
[REGION:eastern western]
[TERRAIN:grove meadow settlement clearing]
[EFFECT_RAW:alterative tonic]

July 12, 2018, 12:48:57 AM
The Njerpez Stalker Heikki, the 16 year old Kaumolais kid who left his home village one early spring in search of adventure and a home of his own, spent his first several months roaming the wilderness of several different cultures and in between, trading and making friends, while at the same time scouting for a suitable location to build his very own log cabin. Once the summer neared its end and it started to get a little colder, he picked a patch of coniferous forest on an elongated island between the two arms of a river fork. It was long and hard work but eventually he finished his cabin in time for the winter and also managed to hunt enough game to last him through and even had some surplus for trading.

His first winter was comfortable and peaceful, until one day he left his cabin to check his traps. One paw-board fox trapped appeared to have been triggered but there was no animal in sight. Once he got closer he suddenly realized it had in fact not been triggered but disassembled... by someone else... as he slowly turned his head, he jolted at the sight of Njerpez warrior in a full suit of lamellar armor wielding a spear and cursing at him. Grabbing his shortsword and shield, a fight ensued which seemed evenly matched at first. Heikki only took a few hits from his opponent's spear which didn't do much against his own mail armor. He himself got a few good hits in but struggled to overcome the warrior's superior lamellar armor. After this went on for a bit, the warrior lost his grip on his spear, which Heikki immediately took advantage of and grabbed it. This however, only made the warrior switch to his broad knife instead, which apparently he was even better at than with the spear. Regardless, the warrior was wounded and after just a short while he turned and fled, which Heikki was happy with since he was wounded himself so after his enemy was out of sight he retreated back to his cabin to treat his wounds.

Once he was almost finished cleaning his wounds he was startled to see that same warrior again who was standing just outside the cabin window. Interrupting what he did, Heikki immediately grabbed his weapons again and rushed outside to confront the villain in a second fight. This one fortunately proved to be easier, as the warrior was still struggling with his wounds which he appeared to not have tended at all. He fled again and not wanting to risk more grievous injury, in light of the warrior appearing to be more proficient with his broad knife than Heikki was with his own shortsword, he again let him escape.

Days passed, maybe weeks. Heikki thought he had seen the last of this warrior, but he was wrong. One day, in late winter when the snow and ice was beginning to thaw, he was walking across the riverbed thinking about what tasks next to do when he was surprised to see his enemy of two fights yet again - wielding a hunting bow and swearing and cursing at him. Heikki rushed in and confronted him a melee engagement before he got the chance to shoot, prompting him to pull his broad knife again, which he then wielded very proficiently. Heikki took hit after hit, against which even his fine mail habergeon did not prove entirely effective. He himself only managed to deal a serious wound to his opponent's knee and a couple of minor ones to his arms. Exhaustion started to overwhelm Heikki, he stumbled and fell, lost the grip on his shortsword struggling against the pain as he realized his very life was in the greatest danger it had ever been. He started to doubt the quality of his weapon which had proven so inferior relative to the Njerpez's simple broad knife. In a desperate attempt to improve his odds, he therefore drew his own broad knife - one that was masterfully crafted and of much higher quality than the one used against him, and Heikki had so far only used for hunting. He started to imitate his opponent's strikes, stabbing at his torso in several quick movements. To his surprise, these strikes did manage to get through a couple of times and the Njerpez, swearing and cursing turned to flee yet again for a third time, which Heikki allowed, knowing that he was in no shape to continue fighting.

He was riddled with stab wounds, most of them fortunately superficial but a couple serious ones. He even took two wounds to his neck, which miraculously missed any major blood vessels. The fine mail habergeon he was so proud to have acquired was severely damaged and almost useless. The pain made it almost impossible to travel but he managed to get to a friendly village and the local sage was kind enough to offer his expertise in treating the wounds. One of the first things Heikki did after this was trading away his shortsword, which despite its fine quality he found unreliable to such a degree it almost cost him his life. He would use his broad knife for now, until he could trade for a more superior weapon.

The winter ended and he started to prepare the soil behind his cabin for planting. The wounds were still not fully healed but well on the way and his life started to normalize again. However... Heikki knows that the Njerpez is still out there, probably out for revenge, after such a proud warrior was beaten back three times. Heikki can only hope, and pray to all the gods he knows, that he would survive the next encounter as well.

July 23, 2018, 12:00:00 PM
Re: Some new player's feedback Welcome aboard, and thanks for the feedback Flibbo!

  A death that I think was complete BS, if I can't trust the ice please tell me from the start in the wilderness map, like it usually happens, and not after I'm halfway across just to death-troll me.

Well, things went like that because when you started crossing the lake the ice was still thick enough to be trusted. And only got weaker when you got that message telling so. That means that the game had no way of warning you the moment you stepped on the ice - at that very moment the ice was ok, and the game can't predict how many hours you are going to spend walking on the ice and how the weather will be during those hours.

The ice thickness is tracked hour by hour, millimetre by millimetre. And in real life it also is so that after a freezing cold night the ice can be safe early in the morning, but becomes dangerous after noon, as they day gets warmer. These are things that the game can't so easily tell you beforehand, so we just have to assume that players pay special attention always when moving on ice, especially in autumn and springtime.

Also, when crossing thin ice the same rules apply in the game as in real life; go crawling, as your weight gets spread on larger surface and you won't fall through that easily. And have a knife wielded, for in case the ice breaks you have greater changes of pulling yourself back to solid ice if you can trust your knife into the ice instead of desperately trying to grab slippery ice with your bare hands.

In real life Finland a few people drown because of this kind of reasons, every year. Sure, we can call it complete BS, but then I think it is more like a way the world works, and the game simulates the same BS  :)

July 24, 2018, 10:56:46 AM
Re: Some new player's feedback
  and I don't see the thawing that occurs and makes ice unsafe. When the game tells you in one situation it's not safe to do something but allows the same action in another, you of course logically assume that it's safe. It's the messages that create the whole problem with the unsafe ice in the first place. 

well, the way I think of it:

- the moment you stepped on the ice it was safe, and the game didn't warn you.
- you kept on happily walking on the safe ice
- the moment you noticed that the ice has been thawing while you walk, becoming dangerously thin, that very moment the game gives you a message and forces you to zoom in, as now every 2 metres counts

this is the logic now. I do understand that it would be very helpful if there were some kind of early warning messages like "you think the ice might be becoming dangerously thin rather soon" or something, but that is always a question of balance. I mean, if there was a small message in the message log, we could still get players complaining "I didn't pay attention to that humble small message, I'd like the game to tell me in big red letters on top of the map screen that things are soon getting dangerous!". Or, if the early warning messages were more attention-catching, I'd guess some players would be complaining "I'd like to have a config option to switch off these annoying spammy messages!". (And, again, we can still think that the system now is that the game tells you as soon as the character notices that the ice is becoming unsafe. The game can't tell you before the character notices that. You are told the moment your character spots the marks of the dangerous thawing. How could the game send you a message about a think your character is not aware of?)

Well, but I agree there could be more player-initiated means to check the ice. Maybe in some future version weatherlore or some other skill could be used to evaluate the ice thickness. I think that would be a realistic way, and leaving the decision up to the player.

ps. what comes to drinking waters; I'm not sure but I'd guess this is something which is different in places with warmer climate, and places with more dense population than iron age Finland. Even nowadays in Finland, especially in remote areas, about all waters are drinkable. The risk of catching a harmful bacterial infection is rather low, and I pretty much believe that the ancient people indeed were more resistant to the common bacteria living in local waters. Yet, I do agree there maybe could be some risk added to drinking bog waters in the warm summer months - but that goes into the more general category of not-yet-implemented features, like the risk of accidentally cutting your knee when felling trees with an axe.

July 31, 2018, 09:34:03 PM
Re: Some new player's feedback  I think the current system is fine; just be a little more cautious on the ice in spring and fall.
August 04, 2018, 11:27:29 PM
Buoidda's Crafts reworked (balancing?)  Okay, so...

 This is just simple fine tunning on Buoidda's Crafts mod, there probably are a few mispelled items, and some itens without description (am quite sure), mostly because there had a blackout at my home and am quite sure something went unchanged. Yet, the changes are all functional (should).

 I'll try to list the changes I've made:

 Northern bow now needs new craftings.
 Hardwood bows now are easier to make, but need situational luck. Made from hardwood (not hard staff)
 Primitive/Shortbows have a new step in crafting.
 Added bark pelling. (from sufficiency mod)
 Used the already in mod fibres and added a drying recipe before you can make a cord with those, that's because cords made from wet fibres normally break once they dry.
 Dry fibers are used to make an cord.
 Cords are used to make bowstrings.
 Added sinew, sinew fibres, and sinew bowstring. (best quality bowstring)
 Lowered coal yeld ammount to realistic levels. (8%-12% efficiency)
 No more lake scopping ore.
 Lowered ore yeld and increased time to dig the peach up.
 Bog ore yeld roughly 1/5 iron ore. Bog ore is very impure.
 Iron ore yelds roughly 1/3 of Iron. That's due to the impurities the smith (you) will remove from the ore when smelting.
 Iron yelds roughly 1/2 of Wrought Iron. Balance purporse (you're not very experienced, lets alot of metal go to waste)
 Wrought Iron yelds 1/2 of Steel. Balance purporses again
 Steel and Wrought iron are worked into an "unfinished metal piece". BALANCEEE!
 Unfinished Iron pieces are smithed into the various tools head and blades.
 Unfinished Steel pieces are smithed into blades. BALANCE! BALANCE! BALANCE!
 Steel blades are used to make swords and a other weapons.

 I think that's most of it. Please, give feedback on bugs and other stuff that are missing and I will gladly fix.

 Edit: 1.1 Fixed the cloned items in some menus.


August 08, 2018, 02:59:17 AM
Re: The winter bug (No priority) Though rare, or at least rare that it's caught on camera, water birds do get stuck/frozen into ice some times.
I've seen it happen to geese.

Goose frozen to ice on Smith Lake in Wash Park rescued by Denver Fire Department

August 11, 2018, 04:32:47 AM
How about Scurvy? Might be an interesting addition the survival element if you can catch scurvy or even other deficiencies from not eating any fruits or vegetation for a month or two. As it stands IMO there's not much motivation to gather veg and berries if you have plenty of meat.
August 12, 2018, 10:17:28 PM
Hurt, helpless and winter! (Challenge) The rules


 Kaitto Koivulainen, a farmer from Koivula was tending to the village crops during the Fallow month, as any Koivula usually do. It was peacefull, so peacefull it was boring, he looked over the skies and saw a Goshawk flying about, hunting the pests and vermin that plague the crops every year and started to wonder. "How would it be, to be a Goshawk, free to fly to wherever it feels like?".
Spoiler: show

 His daydream was broken has a small group of Kaumolaiset travellers entered the village lands and went foward to talk with the sage, one of their companions was hurt pretty badly during their travel, it seemed like he had a bad encounter with a bear. The village sage treated his wounds and they departed.
 The vision of the brave Kaumolaiset hunters clicked in the young boy's mind, and shortly he departed from his home to seek for adventure, he had some seeds to trade along the north-eastern tribes, also got a few tools from his father.
Spoiler: show

 After many days of travel, he was lost. Not knowing where to go or how to go back, but, he continued fowards anyways.
 Not long after getting lost he saw the figure of persons on the distance and ran their way, what a stupidity I say, they were robbers, they beat him up and took everything he had, even his body clothes. It was the Winter start and Kaitto had no clothes, no food, not even a knife.
Spoiler: show

The Adventure

 "I am lost, every inch of my body hurts and I have serious wounds over all my body, It was foolish of me to depart from the village. What do I have now? No food, no clothes and no water... On top of that am wounded, lost on this unknown place and the Winter is starting!... Think Kaitto, think, what should you do now? Koivula is to the south-east... Yes, south-east is where I should head to. But first I need to find some food, water and wood."

Spoiler: show

 And the young boy departed heading south-east, looking at every place for wood, food and water. Not long after heading south he found some berries and a water pound, so he got the berries even not knowing which berries were those, he drank some water and cleaned his wounds the best of his ability and continued travelling south-east.

Spoiler: show

 As he travelled, he saw in the distance a mountain growing ontop of the pines and spruces that dotted the land and decided to head towards it.
 "I will have better chances to know where I am if I head towards that mountain. Okay, let's go, fast and steady."
 Once reaching the mountain base he started climbing it until the top, just to find out he was nowhere he knew, the land was still strange, unknown and terrifying but he saw a mountain along the south and headed there.

Spoiler: show

 Once again he climbed the mountain only to find nothing.

Spoiler: show

 But he saw a mire that extended as long as his eyes could caught, mires are easier to travel and navigate, and he followed down the mire. It was the 5th day of travel already, Kaitto only had berries to eat and a stone knife, but wasn't going to give up, so he keept travelling.
 For three days more he travelled, roughly towards the south thru the mire until he saw the spirits had not forgotten him, he was not alone, the spirits had given him a way to survive.

Spoiler: show

 He couldn't believe it at the very first look, it was an elk, almost trapped in a bigger pound on the mire, he closed in, trying to mantain the elk at the pond untill he was exausth and then striked.

Spoiler: show

 But the elk ran away after getting slightly hurt by his stone knife. Mindlessly Kaitto started the long chase after the Elk thru the mires. His berries were about to end, he had no more food and the friggid winds already had started to blow.
 He chased the elk thru the mires for days, finally trapping him once again against another pond.
Spoiler: show

 But as it happened before, the Elk managed to run away, but not before some serious wounds were delivered. Kaitto ran after him, as the Elk slowly exhausted himself to the point he couldn't run anymore and so, he managed to kill the Elk, after god knows how many days after the animal.

Spoiler: show

(I will add to the story as it happens, now Kaitto is tanning and cooking the Elk. All hail Kaitto, the master hunter)

August 13, 2018, 01:40:30 AM
Survived the summer The summer is passing, the holidays are mostly over, and the time has come for me to return to the development chambers and slowly start getting back on track with the coding chores. When leaving on holidays somebody said to expect to see at least one fishing holiday picture. Well, unfortunately I managed to be so very absent from the forums that I basically didn't post a thing, but as a substitute for the past silence here's half a dozen random summer pictures for you.

Now it's whole lotta e-mails and post to go through to get an idea of how the community and unreal world has survived the summer of 2018.
And then, some fresh lines of code... One at a time...

August 14, 2018, 01:38:07 PM