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Re: [3.61 linux] sage's expertise are "¦" This is fixed now. It's was just that the forester cultures weren't taken into account with the sage phrases. See, sages also speak of their skills when asked, but in their own way.

Fixed - persists in 3.61.

February 04, 2020, 06:55:08 PM
Snowstorms and Blizzards UnReal World should have periods of severe weather to make winter properly dangerous and scary.
Blizzards with their high winds would make freezing temperatures much worse and turn layers of clothes into more of a necessity. Right now a person can easily go through winter without worrying about the temperature much. Cabins aren't that necessary for warmth.

Mechanically a blizzard would be a period where for 10 hours, or much more the snow animation is constantly on. With some random tiles in your view sometimes completely going white for a single turn. Visibility is reduced on the local map and global map. Temperatures drop severely and should go lower than whatever the minimum is now. The interior of a building and cave should provide the most protection. Shelters made up of conifer branches can still help, but you should require a large fire going constantly on the tile beside you. Frostbite on your hands, face, and feet would be a big hazard during the storm.
Weatherlore will need to be updated for blizzards. Based on your skill, you will be able to detect if one is coming in the next day. Or couple of days. As you become more skilled, you can guess more details about it, like how herblore works.
Like at 10% skill you can guess if you're on the edge of a blizzard or not. Maybe how long it will last once you're in it, with A LOT of room for error. At 30% you might be able to see a blizzard a day ahead. And so on. Perhaps it's not very realistic to accurately predict a snowstorm in the dark ages, but it would make the weatherlore skill more interesting and valued.

I think it would be interesting to put all the features of a blizzard on some kind of Bell Curve using multiple dice. Making snowstorms with "mild" values the average and expected. But once in awhile you may roll very brief storms or very long ones that last a week. Some may have worse visibility and temperature, or not. This way not all blizzards will be the same and it will allow for more memorable moments where characters can become lost and stranded in severe weather. Certain months during winter should be at more risk for blizzards as well. Like the "Winter" month(December) and most others during the season may have a 4% chance per day of developing a blizzard. Center month(January) may have a 7% chance each day. I don't know Finland's weather cycles very well, so I don't know which parts of the year is most at risk for bad weather. This is just an example for weather chance.

This would open up the way for more quests too. Like a questgiver in a village might ask you to go rescue a family member that was returning from a hunt or their traps. The quest could be open during the storm or afterwards for awhile.

February 05, 2020, 07:57:45 PM
No Finnish version? Hello all! I'm a new player and I like learning languages. I was surprised that there has not been a Finnish-language release for this game on Steam. Am I missing an alternative release somewhere?

If it doesn't already exist, I think it would be really cool for there to be Finnish language option, or maybe even a Sámi language option. I understand that this is a small project and that it would be a lot to translate a game without slowing other developments, but I think it would add a lot to the immersion value by having to learn a foreign language as well, esp. for such a culturally-important game!


February 06, 2020, 01:20:25 AM
Late Game Boredom Regardless of how I start my new session, they end up like building cottage, making giant plantation, slaughtering foreign traders, and collecting bunch of masterwork weapons. Quests are sometimes almost irrational because quest-givers usually point out quest locations so vaguely, and mostly unrewarding except lucky paw or herbal blend.

I think it's time to add contents about village intercourse which requires constant managements and diplomacy. Husbandry(with baby animal birth and growth) would be nice too.

February 09, 2020, 11:57:42 AM
Re: [3.61 linux] very fresh driikiläis craftsmanhuman tracks which are numerous and Human track info seemed to have gotten broken with late tracking additions and has been now fixed/restored to its original state where all the NPC tracks appear simply as "human tracks".

I also made it so that children tracks appear smaller. This includes graphical presentation and description eg. "You see here small human tracks." in case of kids.

Nice tracking info related ideas in this thread. Hopefully we'll see some of them featured in the future.

Fixed - persists in 3.61.

February 10, 2020, 01:41:25 PM
Re: Sage questions... I believe weapons can also be degraded by being blocked by the enemy, so you're not in total control of whether there will be weapon damage or not.
February 14, 2020, 10:40:00 AM
Re: [3.61, Windows] Village dogs attacking This has been addressed now.

 - added: aggressive village dogs calm down together with their masters

        In case of minor breaches villagers might punish you for a while and calm down after you had learned your lesson - but their dogs didn't react accordingly. Now village dogs will calm down if their masters do so.
        This doesn't prevent village dogs from being a serious threat as they don't always reason the power of their attacks the same way the humans do and may cause lethal wounds by accident.

PS. Dogs (like all the animals) already have individual variety to their reactions based on their underlying attributes and situation. Some are more brave, some are more prone to flee etc. etc. so there are potential features to be discovered.

February 16, 2020, 12:07:19 PM
Re: Flooding
I think just in general it would be nice to add not only this, but things to make water slightly more dangerous. Possibility of slipping and falling off raft etc. I can only imagine how hard to code it would be.
i would like to see this too, it seems a little odd that my homemade raft handles just fine in ice-cold rapids with my Inferior paddle to steer it.  But I think this is already in the development goals.

February 18, 2020, 06:12:42 PM
Tracks covered and decayed by snowfall and rain I've had a simple roadmap for the next patch update with a simple goal of "fix a dozen things, add half a dozen new things". The fixes are soon done, and new features are being worked on. One thing to mention is an addition of snowfall and rain now covering and decaying tracks. Track decay rate naturally depends on amount of snowfall or rain, and also the age of the tracks. Severe snowfall may cover fresh tracks in a hour so the weather now gets to play a greater role in tracking.

Few more fixes, few more additions to go. And then getting to build a new update. And as we can see and imagine from this example one single addition can easily include half a dozen side factors and bring up dozens of new situations to our adventuring characters.

February 19, 2020, 06:40:22 PM
Re: Tracks covered and decayed by snowfall and rain
One thing to look out for, though: The "animal lost in forest cover" quest is painful enough as it is (or, rather, too painful), and if care isn't taken to ensure the tracks are refreshed during the time the character is fruitlessly searching through the other parts of the search area, the tracks may well be gone by the time the PC stumbles upon the right world tile (and happens to see the correct part of that tile).

Another tedious quest that may be become even worse is the robber one, where you typically find the footprints, but don't actually see the robbers themselves.

For animals in the forest cover we'll need to add some additional logic as their movements in the forest cover is do different. Gentle adjustments though, so that it doesn't become all too fixed and gamey. Possibility to fail forest cover quest due to tracks getting lost in the snow will still exist. Weather can be taken into account with the plans of seeking the animal, as well optimizing character's travelling speed if need be.

For the robbers there will be no additional adjustments. This is the beauty of procedurally generated and organic quests. Tactics need to be changed according to how the world rolls.
Now you may need to reason if it's a good idea to go finding robbers in a blizzard or maybe it would best to do after the rains have ceased. Their footprints are renewable resource after all.

February 20, 2020, 12:59:31 PM