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Re: Guinness world record for "First open-world survival videogame" A great person who is making history!! ;D ;D
October 22, 2018, 02:42:05 PM
Re: Guinness world record for "First open-world survival videogame" Just two world records? Man, are you guys even trying? But anyway, huge respect and congratulations.

(also, it seems me and Erkka have the same taste for T-shirts. Gotta love that shrapnel damage style)

October 22, 2018, 03:23:14 PM
Re: Version 3.52 released on Steam and for Lifetime Members
- balanced: villagers' interest to buy boards
         Previously trading boards could be used an exploit as villagers did buy them without any reasoning.
         Now there's a cap for villagers' interest in boards and they only buy the amount they want to
         have as a reserve. This varies from village to village, and some villages are not necessarily interested
         in player character's board trading attempts at all.

Nice, close those lumber mills!

October 28, 2018, 05:38:30 PM
Re: Version 3.52 released on Steam and for Lifetime Members Villages are not shopping malls... You are getting to comfy with today's economy and logistics.
Things in village inventory are the stocks they are willing to part with but not some "for sale" displays.

November 01, 2018, 05:38:45 PM
Re: [Fixed - persists in 3.52] Woodsman won't cut it! Wow! I like that twist. Afraid to commit sacrilege! Thanks, Sami
November 06, 2018, 06:31:25 PM
Re: The song of robbers "Loot and mayhem makes my day,
Robbing strangers is the way!
When we are done with our toils,
Home to Kaumo with the spoils."  :P

November 06, 2018, 09:13:52 PM
Re: Fur not recognized as fur
First, I tried to repair but the cloak was too damaged. I then tried to make a new item, a cap. It would use the damaged cap. Then I tried using it on the other damaged cap again and it no longer gave the 'wrong fur' message. The problem seems to have cleared itself. Thank you!

Could it also have been a mislick or misunderstanding on the first time...?
For verification, you could you post characters message log (msglog.txt) from the said troublesome situation so we can read what the game actually said.

Here is the msglog.txt

  • {021F0611}      | CLOTHES TO MAKE: Repair worn-out clothes

(147870):44ik:[?]{021F0611}      | (1) You need 0.57 Lbs of animal hide.
(575757):44ik:[_]{021F0611}      | (Use your hideworking skill to tan a skin of a fur-bearing animal to get hide.)
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | No. You can not select that.
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | Fur cap doesn't work as animal hide!
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | Canceled.
(147870):44ik:[?]{021F0611}      | (1) You need 0.57 Lbs of animal hide.
(575757):44ik:[_]{021F0611}      | (Use your hideworking skill to tan a skin of a fur-bearing animal to get hide.)
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | No. You can not select that.
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | Fur cap doesn't work as animal hide!
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | Leather boots doesn't work as animal hide!
(147870):44ik:[?]{021F0611}      | (2) You need knife.
  • {021F0611}      | The masterwork fisher's knife nearby will be used.

  • {021F0611}      | Ok, you have all the necessary equipment!

(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | Canceled.
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | Unfortunately this fur cap has been worn out beyond repair.
(147870):44ik:[?]{021F0611}      | (1) You need 0.57 Lbs of animal hide.
(575757):44ik:[_]{021F0611}      | (Use your hideworking skill to tan a skin of a fur-bearing animal to get hide.)
(575757):44ik:[_]{021F0611}      | That's not enough. Select some more.
(147870):44ik:[?]{021F0611}      | (1) You need 0.10 Lbs of animal hide.
(575757):44ik:[_]{021F0611}      | (Use your hideworking skill to tan a skin of a fur-bearing animal to get hide.)
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | No. You can not select that.
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | Fur cap doesn't work as animal hide!
(A80000):44ik:[!]{021F0611}      | Canceled.
(147870):44ik:[?]{021F0611}      | (1) You need 0.75 Lbs of leather.
(575757):44ik:[_]{021F0611}      | (Use your hideworking skill to tan a skin of non fur-bearing animal to get leather.)
(575757):44ik:[_]{021F0611}      | That's not enough. Select some more.
(147870):44ik:[?]{021F0611}      | (1) You need 0.17 Lbs of leather.
(575757):44ik:[_]{021F0611}      | (Use your hideworking skill to tan a skin of non fur-bearing animal to get leather.)

November 07, 2018, 10:59:12 AM
Re: 2019, here we come, slowly but steadily. "It says here you have a broken left arm, shattered left knee and a broken right femur."
[turns over paper]
"Also some rib damage and a concussion. Mr. Maaranen, how did this happen?"
"I went skiing and didn't fall on my right arm."

January 28, 2019, 10:58:08 PM
Re: Aptitude not updating
When completing a game course and choosing to raise the attributes the attributes raise but the skill aptitude stays the same. Skill aptitude is an average of attributes so if they all go up by one shouldn't the aptitude also increase by 1?

   - Shane

Nope, I don't consider that relevant (and I'm not sure if harnmaster original rules do that either) as the aptitude is "inborn", original quality for given skill.
OK, I can see that. But to correct you in Harnmaster your attributes don't go up - but they can go down due to impairments and this does affect your Skill Base. No need change it really (especially not to add in impairments  :-X ).

Good to see you back in the saddle, so to speak.  ;)
   - Shane

February 03, 2019, 05:43:15 AM
Re: Boar is named "board" when owned I've sent a file regarding the "board". As for the names it's not that important, just a possible crash. I use strange characters for strange animals sometimes, to differentiate them a bit, but don't have to use this particular char.
February 21, 2019, 06:34:41 PM