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Spotting smoke Right now I am playing the homeland robbers quest, and it just made me think... why can't I see a smoke from the enemy cookfire?

The old man in the village mentioned that he found the robbers from the smell of their smoke... my character has high smell and eyesight and yet he seems to get no clues.

I apologize if smelling smoke already exists in the game, but I have not found it.

However, it seems a character should be able to easily pick out a column of smoke rising - especially for my character right now, as he in on a mountain overlooking a region of barren hills. 

It would be really nice if a graphic indication would appear on the worldmap to show where a campfire has been lit, especially as hunter-type NPCs in the game world can now light their own fires.  similar columns would surely appear over villages as well.  It might even be nice to have a message prompt appear as we do when a village is spotted - "You spot a column of smoke nearby".

Similarly, it would be nice if you could smell smoke when you get within 1 tile or so.  "You smell smoke on the wind."  Similar to how you can sometimes pick up tracks in an accidental fashion by walking by. 

I reckon you'd also need some method to identify a fire only once too.  It would be annoying if you keep walking by the same village tile and keep getting "I Smell smoke!!"  over and over.  Sort of the way village tiles are only "discovered" once, and tracks rarely pop up over and over from walking across the same worldmap tile.  or when you get a message saying "You hear [xyz] woodsman singing nearby"

This could also help to make the (often frustrating) robbers quest less frustrating.  A good warrior would use every clue his senses can give him.

December 25, 2019, 07:08:42 AM
3.61 released (on the homepage) and a happy new year! On my behalf this decade ends with release of version 3.61 out to public on the homepage. Standalone installers are available now. If you're new to this version find your way to downloads section and be sure also to view changelog there as a lot has changed in 3.60 and 3.61.

We wish you a happy new year! (...and happy new version for those who only now get to try it out.)

I'll keep hibernating for a little while, although may occasionally reply to a post or two, but getting back on track for real with coding will have to wait until mid-january.

See you in 2020 - that's yet another decade for UnReal World development as well.

December 31, 2019, 05:27:07 PM
Re: Footwraps needed yeah, we went a little on a different path here, sry...

i also think that a simple thing like footrags should be craftable.
bandages are also not a different thing than stripes of cloth...

January 07, 2020, 10:48:06 PM
Re: Do traps only work if you are in the area?  I'm going to say he's right.. Sort of.
You should be checking your trap line every few days, to once a week.

January 12, 2020, 08:06:02 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.61] Skin disappearing after skinning is interrupted   I read another similar report by Plotinus but I believe this bug is different because there was no message in the log about the skin being taken, only the usual starting message when you start the skinning process and the interruption message caused by full fatigue.
  At first, I didn't notice the absence of the skin in the inventory because I thought the carcass hadn't been completely skinned, later, returning with a trunk for a fire and trying to resume skinning I was warned that it was already skinned but the skin was nowhere to be seen.
  I'll send the save after posting this to help clarify the situation. 

January 15, 2020, 12:04:00 AM
Re: [Suggestion] Metric measurements How about things such as...

An arm's length of cord.
The distance looks like about 30 paces to the target.
It's about a stone's throw away from you.
The cabin is a day's walk away.
The spear is about a man's height in length.

That's how I imagine people would judge things back then, but I'm not a historian.
I see them using common objects and things from daily life to relate distances.

January 15, 2020, 02:52:53 AM
Chop the salmon for dogs I can only feed one dog with 9 lbs salmon…. they dont know sharing….

So i am suggesting an option to split the fish to smaller portions.

January 23, 2020, 01:29:30 PM
Re: Rope used up I use to be a micro manager of cord but between withes and the fact that cords are recoverable I just harvest a bunch of saplings and go to work preserving meat in the largest batches possible. I save my cords for finer work like arrows.
January 24, 2020, 06:52:53 PM
Re: [3.61, Windows] Village dogs attacking Indeed. That's something we didn't consider, and interesting.
Villagers probably should calm down their dogs if they decide the fight is over. Gotta think how to go about with it.
Are their dogs obedient enough to calm down with verbal command, or should the NPCs be near the dogs to calm them down.
In reality it also might be that a dog having witnessed his master being seriously attacked would never accept the attacker's presence again.
Lots of things to consider here.

February 02, 2020, 11:45:17 AM
Re: [3.61, Windows] Mod file reading, minor bug

That's not a valid item name. It needs to be letters only.

This should be specified somewhere on actual usable characters, as I am able to use () within the name, and probably other characters. I guess this really just depends on the complexity of the games interpreter for mod files, users could always give improper input given the interpreter.

In all modding it's best to follow common sense and examples found in game content ie. if item names in the game seem to consist of letters it's best to continue the tradition.
Well, I don't even know exactly what special characters may pass the checks and what may not as the string handling is very complex internally.

I noticed that the modding documentation is, perhaps lacking organization or completeness. Is there anyway we could acquire more precise documentation on syntax & data specifications? As such, I will continue to produce/experiment and document myself, but I know that you would ultimately have the best way of providing the particulars.

If its a lack of man power, maybe a new team member would be beneficial in providing better organization of the wiki & other areas that could use work, especially if it's someone as passionate and knowledgeable about the culture as you and Erkka are. I don't know how your business model looks, but it may be something to consider if its a plausible addition.

It's lacking organization but I believe everything is documented in news.txt. Just search keyword "modding" and additions and changes are listed.
I believe UnReal World Wiki is quite nicely up to date with modding info, and those who are interested in organized modding guide can contribute there. It's community thing anyway, and marvelous things have happened and will happen there when the man and woman power of the players is directed in there.
It's often mistakenly thought that devs lead or keep the Wikis organized. No. It's yours, dear players. The first Wiki appeared completely without my supervision, and for the current one I only installed the required software to allow magic to happen.

February 04, 2020, 04:52:25 PM