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Re: course reward I always choose attributes, though sometimes I make an archive save before finishing to be able to choose spells, for testing. But for continued play it's attributes.

Attributes generally are most important when creating the character (they govern how much initial skill will be), but some affect it all the time or during special events:

Endurance decreases penalty for encumbrance (and thus indirectly increases Mobility, and most if not all skills), it is also tested for shock (when you lose consciousness from heavy injuries). It's probably tested during swimming trouble (for drowning), though admittedly if this happens you're almost certain dead anyway.

Dexterity is tested with fumble tests (when you fight and drop your weapon it was a failed DEX test, in addition to failure in an attack/defence skill)

Agility is tested with stumble test (when you fight and trip over you failed AGL test)

Speed you mentioned, it increases Mobility directly

Touch is tested when eating for some reason (maybe how long it will take), it's also tested when performing crafting, at the start. It is actually tested when performing item related functions like shootin from bow or felling a tree, but I don't know it this is only to determine if you gain a skill point, or maybe if you don't drop a weapon or axe (something similar to fumble test but not in fight, but that's my speculation).

Eyesight is tested when on overland map, to notice animals and people (it is actually tested more if there are more tiles seen), maybe also when noticing tracks without explicitly involving tracking skill, but I'm not sure on this one.

Hearing is tested when on zoomed in map, for example when tracking unseen animal.

Smell probably too, though I'm not sure how important it is, I SUPPOSE you may detect the readiness of food from further distance with higher smell, but I'm not sure at all.

Also some attributes (probably Endurance, but maybe combination) are tested under certain conditions when deciding sickness or sickness level: for example flu or nausea. When I got influenza TWICE during my first summer, despite being decently clothed and warm, I'm sure it was a failed attribute test, END most probably.

Attributes also govern skill affinity (the asterisks to the right of skill), the higher affinity the easier it is to gain a skill after performing a task. I haven't noticed that affinity changes  when attributes increase though, so maybe it is set only in the beginning. The "resolution" of affinity is too small to be certain.

January 29, 2019, 07:53:58 PM
Re: Persistent injury effect on speed? Okay, it took a while to figure this out but it must be the winter decreasing the mobility.
It is intended that walking in the snow (unless skiing) is slower , but it appears that the mobility meter doesn't really take into account the snow depth here - as you are indoors.

If my theory proves right, then there's something to fix in regards to wintertime walking in the snow mobility checks.

February 28, 2019, 02:47:11 PM
Re: Tips for agriculture? I use more "modern" field agriculture, which means I remove all trees in the farming area and prepare the soil in square tiles. This part of the clearing is performed during the first winter (I start my characters in "spring"). This part also contains preparing for the burning by cutting and placing branches so they're ready to be set on fire.

My plots are 9*9, and I place branches on every second row, so I set fire at one row, and by the time I've set fire to the last tile the first one has burned out, so I can then go back to prepare the soil there. Depending on the RNG, I can generally prepare 2-3 rows per day (preparation includes having food for the two months it takes to prepare all of my rather extensive farming area). Once I've prepared the soil in the pre prepared tiles, I place branches on the rows in between (using stacks of branches prepared in advance) and then do a second pass to take care of those.
If you don't remove trees the fires can set trees on fire, which may potentially connect lines of branches so that more is burned than you had intended. It's worth noting that lighting a fire in a tile adjacent to a tile on fire is a lot easier than to set fire on an isolated tile (I think it never fails), which is a reason to go for lines or rectangles of branches.

I plant seeds as soon as I can, so the seed selection for plots depends on the order in which they're prepared. Check the wiki on to see which seeds can be planted in which months. Turnips are good beginners crops as they are large and give a good yield even with a poor skill. In addition to that, you can get two crops per year out of them if the frost isn't late in departing. Also note that different crops wither at different times (again, check the wiki).

Also note that you need a mod to make clothing out of your agriculture, as the vanilla game only provides food.

There are basically three kinds of crops: cereal (rye and barley), veggies (turnips, peas, broad beans [I may have missed something]), and spices, plus seeds. What you can make depends on whether you use vanilla or a mod (I use the Njerp Cooking Mod).

I start with turnips, rye/barley (barley is actually more nutritious, but has lower yield), and hemp and/or nettles, and gradually replace turnips with broad beans (peas are inferior to broad beans for everything), and change to yarrow for spicing eventually (it's a fair bit of work to collect the seeds, and a bit messy to grow them as you have to forego flowers to get seeds, and the yield is fairly poor as they're small).

March 09, 2019, 10:49:57 PM
Cheat Engine Update I'm not sure if this is the right subforum; apologies if not.

I've been away from the game for a while (last posted for 3.30, I think). I've updated the cheat engine file with some things that were missing from the other 3.52 file I found.  (also attached here)

* Starting Skill Points
* Starting Map Location (if you want to pinpoint your starting location)
* Character name, title, gender, portrait, culture
* Attributes of course
* Skills of course
* Thirst, Nutrition, Fullness, Vigour, Fatigue, Body Temperature, Carry Weight, Weight, Injury %
* Inventory Quantities (need at least one of the item in your inventory first)

Unfortunately I was unable to determine the new method by which known rituals are stored. It was changed significantly. Somewhere between 3.30 and now.

June 26, 2019, 06:04:23 PM
Thanks for 3.60 Beta Taking a pause from all the question and suggestion posts I'm making in regards to the 3.60 Beta changes to say:

Thank you.



Saami and Erkka have continued to keep the game going. It is a lot of fun. Long timers and modders like myself are among the "questions show interest" type of people. I'm on the grindstone to update the large BAC (Brygun and community) mod to better integrate. I'm doing it because I support the game and the community. I didn't want that to be lost in all the questions and suggestions.



September 17, 2019, 10:23:44 PM
Re: Thanks for 3.60 Beta Thanks. Kiitos.
You're welcome. Olkaa hyvät.
At your service. Palveluksessanne.

Let's continue. Jatketaan.


September 18, 2019, 12:39:10 PM
Re: Now that bears hibernate... Late fall >< early spring furs are winter furs too. The period is something like from dirt month (october), till the end of pearl month (february).
September 22, 2019, 04:57:09 PM
Re: Lord Mandalore reviews UnReal World
I got the impression that the guy was embarrassed to be reviewing Unreal World because of the graphics. He couldn't get around that. He highlighted a lot of good points, but very briefly. When I read the comments, it appeared that his disdain had been absorbed by his viewers, too. For what purports to be a 'good review', his opinion failed to sway.

I'm quite sure he wasn't embarrassed at all. We all know the UI and outlook is dated from the perspective of modern games. Reviewing a heavy simulation in fifteen minutes is mission impossible to start with, so the brief points need to be brought up in entertaining fashion. I personally enjoyed the review, and his sense of humour, a lot.

October 04, 2019, 04:40:12 PM
Re: Question about Combat and Accuracy Few things to add, and I'm not to sure about these, but...

-  Different ranged weapons have different optimal ranges.  Primitive and shortbows are better at close range, i.e. 10 tiles ish.  Where as hunting bows are better at 15, and longbows are better at 20 or so.  Not sure where the northern bow is good at.  Crossbows seem to be better between a range of 5 to 15 tiles, although you will probably only get 1 shot off at most.  Crossbows are more accurate than regular bows, given an equal level of mastery.  I beleive fine quality added to either the ranged weapon or the ammunition adds +1 impact (additional damage), and masterwork quality adds +1 impact and 10% to your ranged skill.  I don't know if multiple bonuses stack, and if they do, how they would stack.

-  Throwing weapons, basically Javelins, Northern Spears, and Throwing Axes all seem to have an optimal tile range of 4 - 8 tiles or so.  Same rules for quality here apply to ammunition.

-  I don't know what range is optimal for rocks, but it's better than stones, and weapons that probably aren't supposed to be thrown like swords.

-  Anything in the path between you and your target is an obstacle.  This includes animals leashed to you.  You can't shoot over your small leashed dog.  You can shoot over the fence, or the shutters in a building however.

-  Weather you are still at range or in melee combat, it's important to use "F3" to look at what your opponent is wearing and wielding.  Shooting or swinging at a part that has metalic armour is a bad idea, unless you have no better choice.  Regardless of what weapon you are using, it's often better to attack parts of the body that have inadequate protection as hit's to those areas will do more damage.  While all clothing provides some protection, the armor to watch out for is fur, leather, lamellar(?), chainmail, and then iron plate.  If fur types get added to NPC gear, bear fur armor protects more than leather, unless I'm mistaken.  Fur also seems to protect more in general due to blocking more blunt, but that's just from my personal experience.

-  Shooting at somebody wielding a shield is often a bad idea, especially if they are wielding it at CENTER, because this protects that person from ranged attacks that would hit anywhere from neck to knees, which is usually where your shots will end up.  HIGH protects the head, at the expense of leaving the lower body exposed.

-  Different weapons are better for combat than others due to their attack bonuses.  In particular, weapons in the spear class are usually better for attacking than most other weapons, with the exception of the Northern Spear, Javelin, and Small Trident, as those are worse for direct melee combat than normal, and the Battleaxe, Battle-sword, Bastard-sword, and Maul due to having either an attack bonus of 4 or 5.  All of the weapons with good attack bonuses are two handed and suffer from penalties when the other hand is not free.  Of these, the Bastard-Sword and Trident only suffer a 10% penalty, and the Battle-Axe only suffers a 15% penalty when paired with a shield.

-  No weapon is good at blocking.  The Trident, and the two staves (the regular craftable staff and the hard staff) are okay at blocking attacks.  Every other weapon is bad for blocking attacks and you probably shouldn't bother.  If you are going to block attacks, you want a Roundshield, as it has the best blocking properties, and is relitively cheap to replace which is important because blocking weapons will put wear on your equipment, as is currently the only thing to put wear and tear on your weapons and shields from what I can see.  Also, no weapon can block arrows or other projectiles, only shields can do this.  The reason you block is to try to disarm your opponent.  If you don't have good shield skill (if you are using a roundshield) or good spear skill (using staves or trident), than this is a bad idea, as you will probably take several hits before you disarm your opponent and they often have a backup weapon anyway.  You also arn't doing any damage to them directly while blocking their weapons.  Animals are already disarmed in the traditional sense and cannot be made less dangers by merely blocking them.  However if you have invested points into shield and are using one to block, they are an okay reaction to an attack if you pair that with some offensive action on your part.

-  Reactions don't use stamina.  Counter attacking with a decent weapon means you get to strike without expending energy.  Waiting a turn and then counter-attacking with a weapon that has a better attack bonus is a way to recover energy during combat.  The obvious drawback here is that the combat is taking place on your opponents terms however, and while they are fatiguing themselves don't count on running down their energy this way if that is your goal.  This often works in your flavor if your opponent has a bad weapon verses your good weapon, like a spear verses a knife or an axe.

-  Skill counts for a lot when it comes to weapon usage, and in particular this is why masterwork weapons are often better than the raw numbers might suggest.  By the numbers, a Kaumolais Spear should be the best weapon in the game before factoring in the need for a shield, but you will probably never find a masterwork version unless your character gets lucky and starts with one.  The Kaumolaiset are a very poor people, and rarely have anything for sale, let alone high end weapons.  The Driikiläiset on the other hand tend to be very well off, so they often have more masterworks than anybody else.  Finding a masterwork sword is doable, and with persistence, a masterwork battleaxe.  Also, fighting with a weapon that you have no (or bad) skill in will put you at a significant disadvantage, regardless of the attack and defence values of the weapons and involved.

-  There is no way to predict the skill of your opponent has with the weapon they are using.  However there are parameters that NPC skills will spawn within.  However Njerpez warriors are notable for having good swordsmanship, so Njerpez with swords are far more dangerous than Njerpez without swords.  Very few people are bad with spear as well, so units with spears are also very dangerous.  Not many people know how to use a shield effectively, but Njerpez have no penalty in them, so again, beware of units with shields.

-  Most weapons deal damage based on your characters strength stat.  Arrows shot from a bow, and most weapons thrown or swung deal damage based on your strength.  Knives and arrows shot from crossbows and heavy crossbows are an exception to this and deal damage with a formula that excludes the effects of your strength attribute.  High strength characters should avoid using these weapons, while really low strength characters should use them more.  Low strength characters should only do what is needed to escape combat however, as crossbows take to long to use more than once, and knives are really bad for combat in general.  In theory, attacking sleeping units, or attacking from behind would be the application for knives.  In practice units will wake up no matter how good your stealth is, and units should only flee from you or be unconscious if you've made them do so (as in, you will most likely be wielding a better weapon anyway...).

-  Bonuses from sneak attacks only come from the unit being unconscious or facing away from you.  Being hidden is not enough.  The attack dialogue is obvious when this happen as it's considered a deathblow and the game will tell you this explicitly and offer you a choice option on where to strike that will guarantee a hit.

-  Don't bother punching anything.  Unarmed attacks have no attack or defence bonuses, and deal damage as though the weapon does 0 blunt + a small bonus amount.  Unarmed attacks can often be completely negated by regular clothing, and are strength dependant to boot.  You will also do more damage to the hide of an animal if you take it down with unarmed attacks as it will take more injuries from your attacks than from any other weapon.  Unarmed attacks go into their own separate skill.  Kicking doesn't even give you a better chance to attack someones legs.  The only good thing about unarmed combat is that it's oddly satisfying to kick a fox that you captured in your paw-board trap, as revenge for stealing your fish.  Am I the only one?

-  Blows to the arm are likely to cause your opponent to drop their weapon.  Blows to the leg are likely to knock them down.  Damage to their legs will also hamper their movement speed, which helps you out maneuver them.  You also have a big advantage over opponents who can't keep up with you.  In particular, characters with a higher speed stat will do better than characters with a low speed stat as you will often be able to keep your opponent at a distance prevent them from attacking you directly.  Sometimes, you can kill your opponent from a distance without them ever getting the opportunity to attack you even once.  This isn't as big of an advantage if they have arrows and a bow however.

-  Hostile NPC's will pickup rocks and stones along their way to attacking you as well as other weapons dropped along the way.  The wont encumber themselves to the point of not being able to move, and they are usually good about not wasting too much time doing this, but this is another reason being faster than your opponent is a huge advantage, as they will keep picking up garbage along their way to you.

October 12, 2019, 02:24:05 AM
Re: Clothing Protection (after 3.60 update)
"When was the last time..." Well, my characters tend to use disabled Njerps for target practice, and usually aim for the legs (to get them to last as long as possible, both because it's hard to hit and because hits tend not to be directly fatal), and there are a lot of arrows going through the feet in various fashions...

 :o Wow, you don't just go after their lives - you're after their very Soles!  :D

   - Shane

November 02, 2019, 09:39:22 AM