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Re: Rauko It happened too long ago to remember the details, I'm still catching up with the story from the highlights that had screenshots. I put my money on a javelin throw to the leg that slowed the beast enough that persistently following it's tracks eventually caught up with it. That's a common way for my hunts to go. Anyhow, he would never have only one javelin, probably 3 of them, so he might have scored a couple of hits over the course of the long chase. Rauko's base speed it pretty high, so even with his injuries he could do a decent job at following.
March 13, 2018, 10:29:45 PM
Re: Rauko The woodsman rewards Rauko with knowledge of a secret treasure in a cave.

On the way to search for the treasure, Rauko explores a cave and makes some interesting finds.
He's sure this is not far enough away to be the one described by the woodsman.
The spirits must be generous!

March 14, 2018, 10:25:18 PM
Re: Rauko Rauko wonders what treasure might be waiting at his destination, if he can find it.
After a long search, he finds the mountain cave and enters cautiously...

It is a treasure of worth beyond his wildest dreams!
More wealth than several of his home villages would possess has come into his hands.
The spear immediately becomes his most prized possession, he is almost under a spell
when gazing upon it's beautiful workmanship.

Rauko stays in the cave for a few days and makes it a place of refuge when needed.

March 17, 2018, 03:02:05 PM
Re: Rauko Two weeks pass...

He leaves much of his heavy gear at a point on the riverbank, and travels downstream to the
north-east and finds the sea. He paddles along the coast to the west, then the east. He finds
no settlements, and nothing but hunger as his food runs out and he has no luck fishing with
only his prized spear.

Starving, he returns to where he left his gear. Next day he manages to kill a hare in a rather
unusual manner.

March 20, 2018, 10:57:23 PM
Re: Rauko Maybe the spirits pity Rauko for having lost his parents and send him luck, who knows?

Now we are catching up toward Rauko's current activities, but not quite yet...

After the hare meat is gone, he's not having any luck finding food, so he heads out in the
canoe to trade for food. Soon after, Rauko spots a strangely dressed man and goes ashore
to see who it is.

Closing in on the man in an open mire it's obviously one of the evil foreigners, carrying
two swords. The fight is over quickly!

From there Rauko goes to Kuikka lands for 3 more weeks of exploring and trading.
Several villages are on the shore of a huge lake.

March 24, 2018, 01:46:35 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers Once upon a time, I saw a list of skills that were / were not affected by the fatigue/injury penalty. Of course I've no idea where it was. IIRC, Physician was not affected, but I could be wrong.

Endurance helps you recover from fatigue faster. You can try this by "waiting" and watching how many turns it takes to lower the penalty.

One of the things I like is that Sami doesn't give away the inner workings of the game. It keeps us guessing  :)

March 24, 2018, 11:35:15 PM
Re: Rauko He arrives near the lake-mouth of the river by canoe at a village the local Kuikka call "Hiisi's stream", which he has visited many times in his travels. Rauko trades some clothing and a staff for lots of food and a dozen arrows. Also 2 heavy elk furs for a glutton fur and fishing rod. They have nice bows, but none better than what he already owns. He has lightened his load by 40 pounds with those trades!

Rauko has no skill with swords and has taken 2 scimitars, a shortsword, and a big sword from his enemies. The friendly Kuikka suggest he travel south along the coast to the Driikaiset, who would have valuable rare goods worth trading for the swords. This sounds like good advice to Rauko and he plans to do so.

Meantime, Koupia needs a message delivered to Ilpo in a nearby village to the south-east. The message (something about pine tree spirits) is delivered and reply returned. He gets more food and a loop snare as thanks from Koupia. (Hiisi's stream is at the quest marker on map in previous post.)

March 25, 2018, 03:56:18 PM
Re: Rauko Rauko bids the Kuikka goodbye and sets off, carrying his heavy canoe south-east toward what he hopes will be the sea and trading with the Driiklaiset people. The canoe is quite a heavy burden and he wonders would it be best to leave it behind? Well, at least some of the heavy furs are not on his back anymore!

Still morning, and he sees a herd of reindeer but passes by...

By midday he is tired and stops in the trackless wilderness, baits a loop-snare with blueberries, and finishes tanning that rabbit fur, which doesn't turn out so well. He sleeps until dusk.

Continuing into the dark, he sees a squirrel and fox but can not catch them. He finds a grove and sleeps until morning.

Morning brings an elk. Rauko sneaks, but not too close. His 2nd arrow is a long shot that cripples the bull elk! Now the chase should be easy enough to recover the first arrow along the way.

The elk limps away toward the lake... and the chase ends:

March 29, 2018, 11:45:38 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers I'm guessing "yes" because I've had some pretty good luck throwing them at squirrels and birds (on the ground).
March 30, 2018, 04:08:36 AM
Re: Rauko After roasting about 200 elk cuts, he leaves the partially tanned hide and most of his possessions at the lake shore and backtracks toward Kuikka territory to trade the meat before it spoils. It is mid-morning and he's starting to get tired.

On the way he sees a badger nearby. It's raining, he's weary, it's afternoon, and there is no village in sight. Unable to go on, he drops to the ground and sleeps until waking to the continued rain. Finally in the dim evening light he sees the light of fires in the village! Rauko trades every piece but one for a nice wolf fur, then falls asleep in their kota.

In late morning, Rauko wakes and hurries back toward the lake, hoping the tanning is not spoiled.

After passing by one deer herd, he sees a 2nd herd and thinks it would be smart to hunt one because he saved none of the roasted elk meat. So...just a small one that he can carry with him to the tanning lake.

March 31, 2018, 03:19:56 PM