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Re: Noob Questions These questions have already been answered six years ago in Reddit. I'm afraid I have to judge the OP to have some spammy intentions.
February 10, 2021, 07:53:36 PM
Re: Does killing dogs have consequences?
  Because I did not have any penalties for stealing all of their crops

Lucky you  :D

February 22, 2021, 02:51:59 PM
Re: Active hunting tips?
If i shoot a animal or human that's at south-east, north-west the range is doubled? Like if the diagonal tile be 4m instead of 2m when it's a horizontal or vertical tile?

I just checked the code. Range is not doubled, yet it varies based on the angle you are aiming at. For example, if your target is 6 tiles to the south and 2 tiles to the east, the actual distance is about 6.32 tiles.

March 16, 2021, 05:50:09 PM
Re: Active hunting tips? I think PALU got it right. Technically speaking: Character and NPC movement code uses integers, but missile trajectory code is based on floating-point calculations.
March 17, 2021, 08:07:27 AM
Re: How do I ski
in real life wood sliding on icy snow would wear down from friction. 

based on real life experience I'd say that a wooden ski gliding on icy snow has a rather minimal friction, so I'd expect it won't wear down the ski.

What wears down wooden skis is when there isn't quite enough snow, and you suddenly hit sand, gravel, stones, rocks or asphalt (if crossing a modern road with skis on)

April 07, 2021, 05:20:38 PM
Re: The Moon and The Crust In UrW simulation there are two factors to the visibility:

1) how far you can see
2) how bright / dim is the area you see

(there, naturally, is a defined relationship between these two. But, speaking of the simulation, they are different variables)

If we use these variables to make sense of the real world phenomena, I think moonlight having snow on the ground doesn't affect variable 1. But it might slightly change variable 2. The main effect of having snow on the ground is that it creates a different kind of contrast. Let's imagine it this way:

there is no snow on the ground, you are standing on a middle of a field, looking at the edge of the forest. Next to the forest there is someone, maybe a person, maybe an animal. But the forest behind that creature is dark in color, and so is the creature. So you have very little of visual cue to distinguish the dark shape of the creature against the dark background.

Now, imagine the same scene with snow on the ground, and also a layer of snow on tree branches. Suddenly the background appears not dark, but more like dimly glowing blueish-white. But there is not snow on the creature, the creature is dark. In these conditions it is a lot easier to spot "aha, there is something there, near the edge of the forest!"

And I think something like this happens in UrW simulation, too.

April 08, 2021, 02:08:56 PM
Re: Fibre processing continues with retting and some spin-off features This is a topic I've seen mentioned in the forums a few times before, and decided not to comment (for I've thought that this will be discussed again, once the need to feed livestock gets implemented in the game). So, not going to go into details of this discussion now, when plans for "the need to feed livestock" are just that - plans, and not yet in the works. Just a short mention, one point:

As a person living in the countryside, with decades of first-hand experience in feeding domestic animals like horses, cows and sheep, and as a person who has read something about the history of animal-rearing in Finland, and also has first-hand experience about the old traditional breeds like the Finnhorse and Finncattle, I'd like to make a point: "hay for food, straw for bedding" is a relatively modern invention. 1000 years ago it was more like "feed your animals with what ever you managed to gather in the summer", which meant things like dried bunches of broadleaved saplings, moss, straw, and yes - wild hay. (For bedding it was most likely peat and moss).

I've seen my own Finnhorses deliberately choosing to eat straw when hay is also available. Those old breeds have digestion all geared towards survival, they like to chew tree bark etc. Finncattle digestion is more like a reindeer, than a modern cow bred for maximum milk production.

Oh well. And in case someone disagrees and feels a need to continue this discussion, please do so in "general" or "off-topic" sections instead of which is for announcing features Sami is working on, not about going into details discussing future plans.

May 10, 2021, 06:23:36 PM
Re: Sneak preview of textilecraft system with screenshots and additional insight
Nice to see the metric units have been added.
Will it be a config?

yes it will

May 12, 2021, 07:13:54 AM
Re: 3.70b migrated character, soil month, temperature too hot I suspect this might be a failure in migrating the weather information from the old-version saved game.

So, to narrow it down it would be helpful to get confirmation if this only happens when first loading a character created in older version, or if it indeed is possible that an old character starts OK, and temperature then goes silly after a few in-game days.

June 29, 2021, 07:55:00 PM
Re: How to access (some of) the old invision forum messages Thanks, everyone!

The link in the forum news-section is now updated.

July 06, 2021, 08:48:30 PM