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Re: drying meat with a cord should degrade it If drying meat and fish would degrade the cordage, while hung on a wall, under a eave/overhang. Then I feel using cords on traps and left outdoors for more than couple seasons: should disintegrate the cord and deconstruct the trap. But there are lot of old (not centuries old, just decades) fence lines still standing.
Meat is cut into thin slices, fish is generally butterflied, in either case cord doesn't have huge contact area with the protein.

TL:DR; I don't feel cord degradation when drying is warranted.

October 21, 2020, 08:54:13 PM
Re: Using water from containers on ground - eating and drinking from table Agree!
Even better, Sami is aware and he's intent to recode it. See reply from April on Reply Marathon:

On the cooking recipe requirement check, can you also add "pot available" as second item either in inventory or 'nearby' in the the valid recipes? Of course, only as long as the pot is empty.

“Pot available” as second item? I’m not sure if I get this right.
It would be convenient if ground items (nearby) could be always checked but their intenal handling is different from character’s inventory so we have mechanics limitation here. It’s an intention to overcome at some point, but don’t know when there’s time for that.

On similar note (I'm aware there's mod for it already), dried meat and fish has been used in cooking since ancient times. Is that something you think will be in vanilla at some point?

Yep, I’d like to feature dried meat/fish usage in recipes, and then also to get rid of dried meat/fish eating on their own (without soaking first, or then chewing slowly and carefully). Recipes can be suggested.

Third, is it viable to use water containers for Hideworking from ground/nearby similar to lakes, rivers, sea, swamps, bogs, marshes? Penalty goes up for smaller characters tanning bear and elk skins doubly for holding skin AND water container.

See the first reply. It’s internal mechanics limitation, hopefully to be dealt with at some point.

October 21, 2020, 09:14:33 PM
Re: [Mod Idea] Training combat skills at the expense of weapon condition
It will be too easy to grind skills, I suppose. Training weapons mastery by only fighting a real enemy/prey seems realistic and fair enough.

Well, that’s not the case. All but unarmed can be trained by throwing the weapon type repeatedly. E.g. throwing rocks or clubs increases club skill. Throwing swords, increases sword skill.

But, you can choose if you want to train in that way. Same as if grinding in way X, is actually any different from hacking the memory and assign wanted values outright.
Difference is in the the spent In Real World accomplishing the wanted outcome.

Personally, my characters don’t go throw (non-throwing) weapons around. I don’t see it as viable way ancestors would’ve treated their expensive, and crucial belongings.

October 22, 2020, 08:03:53 PM
Re: Replacing pounds (Lbs) with kilograms (Kg) in options. And in inverse, distances in dialogue and Wilderness&Zoom In map should also be optionally given in:
Vaaksa (~6” or ~15cm) ‘extender thumb to index finger’
Kyynärä (~24” or ~60cm) ‘finger tip to elbow’
Syli (~72” actual 70.16”, ~182cm, actual 178.2cm) ‘arms’ span’, fathom
Virsta(from Russian “verst”)*1, 2/3 mile, 1/5 of peninkulma. And also later 1/10 peninkulma
Peninkulma / Penin kuuluma (dog’s bark hearing) 5 virsta, about 3-1/3 modern miles, or 5.3-ish kilometers.

Metric system came to be several hundred years later than ingame era Iron Age*2/Dark ages; with the mishmash “imperial” measurements.

*1 I have no source for the era the term was taken to use, possibly lot later than 1000CE
*2 the Iron Age term used in URW comes from Finnish term Rautakausi, which starts from “early”500 BCE -400CE, pre-Roman-Roman. “middle Iron Age”, 400CE - 825 CE, migration/Merovingian. “Late Iron Age”, 825–1075/1100 (also the crusades 1075/1100-1300. But the metal commonly used was actually steel. Not just iron. Common mistake when translating...

October 23, 2020, 05:26:52 PM
Re: tanning terminology + rinsed should not spoil I like the suggestion.

But the terminology is odd*, as pelt, skin, hide are used in full synonym manner most of the time. I.e. Collins dictionary, UK English, refers to ‘pelt’ as both ‘skin of a fur-bearing animal’, also as ‘hide of an animal, stripped of hair and ready for tanning’. Collins’, US English, agrees with your usage.  :D
Other dictionaries contradict this and also themselves.

*not in the suggestion, but in general.

October 23, 2020, 06:12:39 PM
Re: Why I carry a rock in real life Maybe the another rock has reasonably high carbon content, while still being harder than the chert/quartz/flint..?
I don’t think charcoal fits that bill, better to carry a knife and look for a hard rock.

October 23, 2020, 06:34:20 PM
Re: Building a fireplace outside of a house You can also build roof and floor on the side of middle tile of 3 consecutive wall sections.

Not that corner/straight wall section building requirements would be different from each.

If you do the outdoor fireplace, I’d make it 2 “indoor tiles”, then you can sleep, covered from rain&snowfall, next to fireplace.

October 24, 2020, 05:00:19 AM
Re: Building a fireplace outside of a house Ona similar note, I usually build a “porch”: roof&floor, outside the cabin. With a table, usually tile or 2 from the door. Right under a shutter. So after tanning a hide, outdoors (as tanning is stinky business), my character can throw the fur/leather on the workbench table on the other side of the shutter. That’s  of course a separate table from the dining table.
October 24, 2020, 05:08:08 AM
Re: More usefulness for curing I agree, yet again :)
Especially with the picking up the still curing skin. I made suggestion for salt curing food to be able to be picked up and let it continue curing in the rucksack/inventory.

I don’t know the exact mechanic behind the unpaid/taken* tokens, but similar tagging with “curing” could be a way to implement both food and skin curing. Only allow further use of the curing product once the curing timer has finished.

* I know how they work on user end

October 24, 2020, 06:39:11 PM
Sub-categories for food in cellar I find it tricky at times to find the stuff in my cellar.
There's all herbs/seasonings, vegetables, meat, fish, stews and soups all in one big... pile?

I like the fact that top most items are the oldest in there, so using those first makes sense.

But what I'd like to see is add additional food categories for cellar:
  • herbs and seasoning
  • roots and vegetables
  • berries
  • mushrooms
  • raw meats and fishes
  • cooked/cured meat and fish
  • cooked meals (and with that, blanched mushrooms
  • herbal drinks, water, milk

Making the change for character's inventory, less needed as no one carries hundreds of food items on them. Also to keep keyboard jockeying in check.

October 25, 2020, 02:41:50 AM