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Re: Roast in embers - starting with turnips
Browsing the code I also came across some earlier preliminary definitions for ember-roasted turnips so we've been on the edge of adding this somewhere in the past.
I remember stewed turnips from a very old version, maybe 2.92 (and checking news.txt says they were added in 2.80 along with boiled turnips). Back then it was a menu item you could select but the interface was much less detailed than it is today. It definitely wasn't as realistic as the new embers. This was back when cooking was a blocking task, that you couldn't do something else in the middle of it.

There was also "veggie dish"

From the changelog of 3.10:

* It's now possible to bake flat bread in the embers of a
          burned-out campfire in addition to baking it in a
          fireplace - which previously was the only option.

January 27, 2021, 08:54:15 AM
Re: Plant withering, calendar or weather triggered? I think it's both. It used to be calendar only but it used to be that i could guarantee that plants of a certain type planted before a certain date would always be harvestable, and now i can't. It used to be that you'd always get a message like "it can be harvested in a couple days. it's withering and will die in a week." which would mean it could be harvested for sure.

But now I've noticed that in spite of the "it can be harvested in a day, it is withering and will die in a week" message, if there is a sudden snow storm, then the next day it cannot be harvested at all, because the snow destroyed it.

This makes me believe that crop mechanics now are a lot more realistic model of what would happen in real life: the crop will be ready n days after you planted it (which varies a little bit due to random conditions), but can be destroyed by animals or weather before it becomes ready.

February 12, 2021, 09:40:13 AM
Re: Hardest things to find... One of my characters got really lucky and got 2 superior angos as a quest reward (it was in a cave with treasure)
February 26, 2021, 05:27:32 PM
Re: 3.63 New fire mechanics
15 firewoods a day for how long?
This prevents from traveling and exploring the world.

I personaly find this masochistic. It is fun when there is new content in the game but not when common tasks require repeating same actions.
Im very casual player so may be missing some joy from game  ;D.
I've found myself using salt more often. If my current plans are to stay near home and do various tasks for 2 weeks then I smoke. If it's October-April, then I dry. If it's summer and I want to do stuff, I use salt.

Before I basically never used salt because it was expensive and smoked stuff lasts longer. Now it's sometimes a worthwhile tradeoff

March 05, 2021, 08:32:35 AM
Re: Sami's Bouncing arrows got revisited.
I find it entertaining that he uses very formal pronunciation.

Yeah, as PALU wrote, Finnish isn't indo-european (so not Germanic, nor Romance, nor Celtic), but Uralic/Fenno-Ugrian(F-U, hehe, excludes samojedic languages). There's very few languages in the group: Finnish, Estonian, Magyar (Hungarian), and some tribes in Siberia(most of these fall in the Uralic group). Of the above, Finnish and Estonian share some vocabulary, but not fluently. Similarly to French and Italian, or Spanish. Finnish and Magyar, have even less common words. After going through a long, long time with a Hungarian friend, only reasonably close match is Finnish "pusu”, Hungarian "puszi”. In English a little kiss, a peck

So to understand Finnish, you need to know Finnish or to get mainline idea what someone is saying in Finnish, one needs to be native Estonian speaker.
kéz - käsi, négy - neljä, víz - vesi

There's some patterns, too, like Hungarian "h" is often "k" in Finnish: hal - kala, hajó - koivu, holló - korpi, hold (moon)/hó (month) - kuu, három - kolme

But you have to already know the connection is there to see it. The way I tell if somebody is speaking Finnish is that it takes me a minute to notice that I can't understand a word I'm hearing -- I don't notice sooner because the cadence is very similar to Hungarian, and the vowel : consonant ratio is the same too, so it creates an illusion that if I were to pay attention then I would understand.

March 23, 2021, 07:30:58 PM
Re: Why did the villagers become hostile?
(A80000):j7g0:[!]{072706BC}      | There's a northern wall blocking your way!
(575757):j7g0:[_]{072706BC}      | Embers from the nearby burnt-out fire helps to start this one.
(A80000):j7g0:[!]{072706BC}      | You hear someone shouting: "Stop, you mischief-maker! I need to tell you something!"

You tried to light a new fire in their fireplace when there were still lit embers from the previous fire. There's a bug where that makes them really mad. They'll forgive you if you go away for a few months.

March 30, 2021, 09:52:15 AM
Re: Randomize another region? That used to be true, you could walk to the edge of the map and then it'd rerandomise everything: new villages, new lakes -- I don't think there were rivers back then yet. You'd lose your settlement and anything you weren't personally carrying.

It hasn't been true for a long time; it was changed in 3.12 when the worldmap was expanded to be much bigger than it previously was. That was back in 2010.

April 04, 2021, 08:54:24 AM
Re: Pyro Ally Good catch. Was the hide damaged or destroyed?

I accidentally did that too once except I lit the fire myself, and my hide wasn't damaged at all. I think while it's tanning it might not count as being actually there for determining whether it burns or not (which itself could be a bug / a not featured thing).

When it happened to me though it was a few versions ago so that's why I ask if your hide is okay once the fire is out, though the answer might be different if it finishes tanning before the fire ends or if it's still in the process then.

May 06, 2021, 07:15:18 AM
Re: Deleting ancestors Once you have 50 ancestors, it'll start automatically deleting the oldest ones chronologically.

There's a file in your ANCESTORS directory called lastentry.txt that is just the number of the last character that died. When a character of mine dies, I edit it to be the number before my shortest lived ancestor so that this one gets overwritten instead, because I want my ancestors to be the characters that lived a long time and I put a lot of energy into them, not the characters that died on day 1 because i couldn't escape the njerpez camp.

May 09, 2021, 07:52:21 AM
Re: ##urw IRC Chatroom Updated the info for the new server
May 27, 2021, 03:02:12 PM