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Re: Ability to sit. I've thought of this many times too, although not sure what priority it should have in development.
You could sit while fishing and in your punt also.

January 30, 2018, 02:21:11 AM
Re: Migrating to new version That's what I was thinking, but just wanted a confirmation before stuffing things up!
Of course, I could just make a backup copy of everything, couldn't I, hehe.

February 01, 2018, 04:13:08 AM
Re: Mik He feels ready to continue on his dangerous search for a metal pot! This time he heads north before the sun comes up. In the 2nd village at Suviotsa he is tempted by a northern bow of better quality than the one he is carrying, and trades the 2 shirts and dress he had.

Time to go back home... he won't have enough goods to trade for a pot if he finds one.

After checking a nearby cave with broadhead on bowstring and finding no inhabitant, he continues homeward and passes through a grove sparkling beautifully with ice crystals in the pale, low, noon sunlight.

Rustling branches attract his attention and there's a large squirrel in a pine tree. Well content with his own food supply, Mik leave it alone.

Snow begins falling and both Mik and the squirrel go about their business.


February 11, 2018, 06:58:58 PM
Re: make dogs stop barking at birds I don't know about dogs, but my cat certainly knows the difference between a bluejay (prey) and a small hawk (predator). I've seen it in real life... the cat goes after the jay and runs & hides from the hawk, even though the hawk was only going after some other birds (not threatening the cat).
February 16, 2018, 03:29:25 AM
Re: Probably the stupidest thing I’ve done in game. Rather than wear fur clothing all year round, I think leather is more realistic for the warmer months to avoid drowning in sweat and dying of heatstroke. (Yes, I know that being too hot is not yet modeled in the game, but it will be someday.) So, that's a good enough roleplaying reason to dehair a couple of those larger hides to make a good suit of leather. Just my 2 cents.
February 18, 2018, 04:46:20 PM
Re: Mik Remembering that the bear skull he was carrying when he was robbed makes the decision for Mik. The spirit of that bear may not find rest, but he hopes to appease the spirits with another bear's skull.

It turned out to be his last bad decision. The spirits did not favor him. He failed every spear attempt.

Mik was one of my favorites.

February 20, 2018, 06:09:42 AM
Rauko This story may be a bit fragmented until the posts catch up to his current experiences. The early pics were made a couple of years ago.

Rauko was a big, strapping lad who loved to hunt with his father. When Rauko was only 14 his mother sickened and died. Shortly thereafter, he set out with his father on a long journey, traveling all the way from Kaumo territory past the Owl-tribe settlements and into Seal tribe areas.

They grieved for the lost beloved wife/mother until their hearts healed enough to talk more freely about her. Rauko was reassured by how much his father had loved her as he told stories to his boy. One day they had ventured into no-man's-land to hunt and father was up ahead, when Rauko heard the roar of a bear and curses, then shouting of his father for help.

It was too late when he arrived to find his father's life flowing out of him onto the ground.

Rauko was devastated... too sad even to seek out the bear.

March 10, 2018, 04:24:33 PM
Re: Rauko Before the fateful day is finished, Rauko daydreams and hears his father's spirit beseeching him to seek the bear that killed him.

Rauko finds the bear's tracks and follows it, only to be severely mauled and left for dead by the huge, wounded beast.

Later, he wakes hungry and parched, and crawls away to find water.

A small lake is close by and he makes a shelter for the night.

He is awoken by noises which sound like a deer or elk in the trees nearby. Half-awake, he sneaks toward the trees with knife in hand, driven by hunger. An elk bursts forth from the trees and runs... he has no chance to catch it.

March 10, 2018, 05:30:51 PM
Re: Robbers ruin my early game
Thankfully they never seem to track you down when you're zoomed in.  Can you imagine how bad it would be if you were making a shelter or tanning a hide and they just walked right up behind you.
They can do this. If you like, check Mik's story (page 4, Reply#55 on Feb.14th)

"There is a new cave to explore, it's early morning and still dark and Mik is gathering branches to make a torch. Suddenly, a man moves into view quickly approaching and he doesn't seem friendly! Mik begins running away but he was already somewhat fatigued because of the nearly knee-deep snow and can't outrun the man, who was joined by another carrying a bow."

March 11, 2018, 04:02:43 AM
Re: Rauko Finally the hunger can end the next day as he brings down an elk!
It was a long chase with only a javelin to kill it with.

March 11, 2018, 08:30:24 PM