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Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
 You seem determined to take offense rather than to reflect on well-intended constructive advice.

OK, I see that you are making that kind of interpretation. Again, from my own point of view I don't feel offended. I just wanted to ask for further clarification, and you explained your point of view and we are all good now.

December 23, 2020, 08:55:43 AM
Re: Why is this mod the laughing stock of hoi4 modding on unrealworld? Seems like another of those bots posting copypasted text from reddit. I deleted the spambot useraccount.

We have a hidden system monitoring all new users, comparing them against a vast database of known spambots. And then another layer, visible to the user, is hCaptcha. Unfortunately, it seems like every now and then a spambot manages to get through the defences. At the moment I can't think of any further means without making it too clumsy for real users, so we just need keep our eyes open for bot accounts.

(I'll leave this topic here, usually I delete both the user account and all the posts made by that account. But since we have this bot-related discussion here, I let it be.)

December 23, 2020, 04:53:44 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
maybe an idea for Enourmous Elk crowfounding can be releasing some art dlc in the UrW steam page 

Hehe, just a few days ago we were discussing this idea with Sami. It got added to our plans for 2021.

December 23, 2020, 05:37:45 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? Good morning, everyone, and thanks for your valuable comments!

Hey, Dark Ark - very good that you mention the legal aspect. That is essential, and I forgot to clarify that. So, here is a bit more of the background details:

This house was not listed for sale. I just saw the place had been sitting uninhabited for years, so I contacted the owners directly and asked if they are willing to sell the place. At first they were hesitant, but to my great delight they agreed. And, sure, in Finland we have legislation regulating this kind of things, and there are consequences for those who attempt to sell and overpriced house by telling faulty or dishonest stuff about the real condition of that house. So, pretty much because of that the people who sold the house suggested a deal: Basically, I paid only for this plot of land, and got the buildings for free - in whatever condition they happen to be. Therefore the legal document includes that remark "in unlivable condition", for it gives a good night's sleep for the sellers. That way I can't sue them for telling lies. Absolutely not a problem for me, at that time I was willing to take the risk. Despite being severely depressed around those times I somehow had this inner faith that "I can manage, things will work out."

And it has definitely been worth it. Also, in different phases of the renovation project I have used the services of experienced professionals to evaluate the critical parts. And based on that I have made my project plans, and so far everything has been good - the place turned out to be in a better condition than the previous owners thought, so I kind of a won in this deal, getting a nice place for myself for a rather low price.


Then, an another thing is my sometimes-a-little-bit-tricky-sense-of-humour, characteristic of The Savonian people which I identify myself with. Earlier in this thread I was told that "depression is not cured by therapy, and one way to back that claim is to point out that after 20+ years of therapy Erkka still has some minor mental health issues to work with." Reading that kind of assumptions made me think that such a claim is about as plausible as stating "renovation doesn't help, if after 12+ years you still have some minor improvements waiting to be done". But at that point I just rolled my eyes and ignored the stuff. But then, on the other hand - speaking openly about mental health issues, and about how to recover from then has been one of the purposes of my blog. During the years of writing the blog I've had some personal feedback from readers who have found it valuable and helpful how I share my experience. So that has given me a more deeper sense of purpose with writing the blog. Because of this kind of reasons I wanted to return to this theme, just using a little bit of humour.

Using the same analogue: 12 years ago I still had some suicidal feelings every now and then. Sometimes I got panic attacks triggered by small mundane events. Sometimes I had to sit completely still staring into the void, waiting for my mind to calm down for I knew eventually it would do so. Most of the time I felt that my brain is full of fog or mist. And I went to therapy to learn more about why those things happen, and what can be done with them. I had already learnt that those stuff are not because of my actual situation in life, but more like flash-backs and post-reactions to a row of severely traumatic events I had to go through earlier in my life. To survive those traumatic events a human psyche often uses different kinds of coping methods, and for me some events - like facing several situations of nearly-lethal violence when I was still just a vulnerable kid - left me with a tendency to dissociate away from the situation. With therapy I learnt that part of my mind is still stuck with the dissociation, making me feel foggy inside. And that there are methods to work with that, to reverse the dissociation. To dissolve the internal panic so that panic attacks won't happen any more. After a long slow process with the therapy I find myself in a rather good condition. No more suicidal thoughts, no more panic attacks, no more heavy depressed days. 12 years ago there were days when I had trouble getting up from the bed, for right in the morning I felt that my life is miserable and I don't want to face this world. Nowadays I enjoy my life with a deep sense of purpose and meaning. But there is still some of that dissociation fog left, and I need to keep on working with that. Luckily, I have found professional therapists who master some good methods to address that kind of issues.

Hehe, and while I have been slowly dragging myself through those heavier years of depression, on the side I've still managed to contribute pieces of help in The UnReal World coding project. I remember there were weeks when I felt persistent emotional pain all the time. To cope with that I coded projectile trajectory algorithms for Sami to track arrow flight in the game. Or the weather simulation. And the random map generator. All that kind of pieces of code have been written while suffering from more or less severe mental health issues. And participating in the game project, seeing the audience enjoy the game, it has also been a valuable part in my own recovery project.

So, here we are now. I feel that the therapeutic processes have worked wonders - even though there still are some minor issues requiring further work, I deeply feel that my depression has been cured, and nowadays in my blog I often write about the chronic depression in past tense - something which I had earlier, but it is not there any more. What remains is something more like a mild but persistent post-depression state. So, from my point of view this is just an example that even if some mental recovery processes might take some time, it clearly is so that therapy can help cure depression. Just like renovation can help cure 'unlivability' of a house.

Oh well - enough of my personal stories  :D My point is: I see both my mental health and my long-term house renovation project being in such a good shape that I have more focus and energy for further Enormous Elk coding projects. And that I wanted to mention this, because I'm perfectly well aware that many of our long-term followers might remember some of my earlier phases, when I've been able to code small focused pieces for Sami, but I wasn't in a good enough shape to consistently manage a bigger project. Things have been becoming a lot better, and I find new joy in our indie coding projects. And, naturally, it remains to be seen what comes out of this. I have hope and I have plans and I have a lot of development-phase code. Week by week that code grows into something more, so eventually it will be enough for a playable demo. Work in progress   :)

December 24, 2020, 08:29:14 AM
Re: Humane and Proper Butchering?
This looks to be another spambot snuck through 

Yeah I also noticed that, for somehow the question sounded familiar. I banned the user account but left the thread for it had already generated good replies, which might be useful for new players facing similar questions. But I forgot to mention that, like I did in some other similar cases where I've edited the post to describe the action taken. Sorry about that, I'll try to remember making a public mention whenever I decide to ban or delete a spambot account while leaving the thread.

December 27, 2020, 08:12:13 AM
Re: Board splitting, historical alternative to axes. I'm under the impression (based on some real life experimentation) that when using wooden wedges, one needs to make an initial cut or two for each board to be split. Driving a wooden wedge into solid timber is not going to work. So, making that initial cut with a stone axe is probably going to take X times longer than with a metal one. But, sure, that X might be little bit too much now. So this goes into the basket of 'minor adjustments that will be fine-tuned some time sooner or later'.
December 27, 2020, 07:47:45 PM
Re: Skiing on ground without snow should be very clumsy and fatiguing
trying to ski in summertime

Just a small historical side-note. Actually, skiing in summertime has been a thing. Although, in that case it is more like walking with skis on - that has been one method used to safely move around a bog. Also, something like snow shoes have been used for similar purpose.

Coding-wise I'm afraid this kind of seemingly minor adjustments will require quite a bit of code. But I'm not saying it is never going to happen, let's see how it goes with all the other stuff on Sami's workbench.

December 27, 2020, 10:55:51 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? Not late at all. Thank You for your comment!

Lately I've been immersed into the coding itself, postponing the funding-related decisions. I have a feeling that the most likely backers are a handful of long-term UrW followers, which sounds about right for me. So in my mind there are alternatives to a full-blown indiegogo campaign. Another way would be to host a small campaign on Enormous Elk webpages, offering the loyal fans an opportunity to back this project, and to get involved in the early development-phase communications and testing. Then, if needed, at later phase of the development we could try indiegogo campaign for a wider audience, if additional funding is needed. But these decisions depend on how my development goes this week and week 1 of the 2021. I'll make my decisions at the weekend 8. - 10. of January 2021.

And for those interested in a little more details, there is a fresh blog post.

December 28, 2020, 08:07:21 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? Thanks for all the feedback, guys !

I realize that I was too vague with my Patreon-related thoughts. So let me rephrase myself:

Yes, absolutely! Patreon for Enormous Elk is already planned, and will happen! The exact timing of launching the Patreon profile will depend on various stuff, which I won't go in detail now. But it is coming, as a way to support UnReal World development, and what ever other smaller stuff Enormous Elk does.

Quote from: Dark Art
Friend, you are overthinking it.

Hey, thanks for the pieces of information you wrote in that post! This is something I tried to say in one of our earlier e-mails. That, since I personally don't have that much user experience with Patreon, it has been a bit hard for me to think about it. And therefore I've been reading their own official instructions and guides and recommendations, leading me to "overthink" it, having a feeling that a Patreon profile should be a shiny thing with a frequent stream of special bonus content to keep the audience engaged. But the way you describe it now sounds a lot more like something which would perfectly fit the way Enormous Elk works  :D

On top of that, I might still try a small simple separate campaign for the Ancient Savo project - mostly just to gather that small bunch of early test players to provide feedback during the development phase. I see that as a more focused need, choosing the tools according to that specific need.

Quote from: Alkio
  Didn't read through every post in the thread, but had the same idea that Patreon could definitely be worth a try. Can of course ditch it, if it doesn't work as intended? Probably less of a hassle than developing a whole new game.

Ah, absolutely no problem with not wading through the entire thread. It has been just different people expressing their different opinions, thoughts, assumptions, fears and also a lot of willingness to support - each according to their own personal point of view. But scattered here and there were few of my thoughts related to the idea of developing a whole new game. For I see it as a good way to boost UnReal World development in the long term, and to unleash some of my own creative potential which has been partially hibernating for too long, being burdened by the duties of my main work. So, the idea of making a side game next to the main title, that stems from the development chambers, so to say  :)

December 29, 2020, 06:14:54 AM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
That’d be lot bigger than couple months of coding though, and not likely just a “side-project” scale. 

Depends on the level of detail we want to have. When I think of a side project, I think something which isn't such a deep simulation as UnReal World is.

are you including trade elements with settlements villages?

My idea is something like this: in this game you can't visit this or that individual village. (we will only simulate your homestead and the immediate surroundings, and you won't have neighbours that close).

Instead, you can choose a more generic "visit the market place"-option, and then be presented a mostly text-based dialog where you do the trading. That is one example of keeping the level of detail on such a level that the game idea is doable as a side-project.

December 29, 2020, 07:17:30 AM