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Re: Haft them axes, haft them spears
I have two questions:

Will there be a space prompt (I think there is one) to make you stop and take notice when the shaft breaks? Just thinking that it'd be annoying if the head falls on the floor, and you wander off without noticing?

Yes the breakage message will be space prompted.

Will hafting a masterwork item with a lower quality shaft reduce the quality of the axe? It would be good to reward the players own self-sufficiency in that way by making carpentry skill more desirable.

Erkka already answered this, with an answer that is mentioned in the original post. ;)

January 13, 2024, 01:03:15 PM
Re: Haft them axes, haft them spears
Will the weapon’s head quality be stored separately, retained through hafting and re-hafting?


Can we examine the axe in inventory to see the quality of the head?

No. Haven't been considered.

Or will we see “fine axe with decent head”?

No, you'll see just "fine axe".

2nd question is regarding to inventory stacking: will all various combinations AND wear&tear levels be stacked separately?

Yes, they will be stacked separately. That's the thing with stacking, if there is difference with the item properties the items wont' stack.

January 13, 2024, 01:05:58 PM
Re: Haft them axes, haft them spears
Another question: will battle axe and woodman’s axe have long haft, or will all axes take same hafts?

There are only two generic haft types, one for axes and one for spears, that will suit them all.
Yes, in reality the hafts will differ depending on the axe/spear type, but in order to not make things overly complicated we'll just go with generic hafts.

January 13, 2024, 01:07:14 PM
Re: Haft them axes, haft them spears
I would suggest the head quality to be stored separately from the quality of the overall item, as suggested above.

It's going to be stored separately.

Thirdly, I would suggest a de-hafting activity whereby you remove a  (s)haft from a hafted item to allow the head to be mounted on a new (s)haft. This could be used as preventative maintenance on an item with a badly worn (s)haft, but could also be used to try to improve the quality of an item where the hafting didn't work out properly, resulting in a lower quality item than you'd like.

This has been considered, but not decided yet. In a game one may be easily tempted to try hafting until you get the quality you want, but in the real world approach to the relatively time consuming hafting is probably different. Replacing a noticeably worn haft is a different thing, and that case that the haft also can be removed a bit more easily than the new tightly fitted one.

January 13, 2024, 01:14:13 PM
Re: Haft them axes, haft them spears
which can break over time or upon damage

Or do you mean them being worn away and eventually breaking after repeatedly using them for crafting/activity over time?


AFAIK the only way to damage weapons is to use them to block attacks. Are there other ways they can be damaged?

Currently there are no other ways, but there will be when these hafting features get released.
Then the hafts will start to wear out from all the regular tasks the weapons are used in;
crafting, building, chopping trees, etc.

Some scenarios (from most likely to least likely):
A spear losing its head while it is used to spear fish in shallow/deep water and while you are standing on land or on shallow water.
A spear/axe losing its head just as you finished making a hole in ice.
An axe losing its head while it is used to fell a tree while standing over shallow water.
Using a spear/axe to attack an entity that is standing on shallow water or swimming in deep water.
Throwing a spear/axe to attack an entity that is on shallow or deep water.

Is it possible to lose an axe_head/spear_tip during the above scenarios?

Yes, it is possible, even though I haven't yet actually considered how to cope with the heads falling into the water.
But when the haft breaks the heads drops at the character's location - and if there's a water tile, for example when the character is wading, then the head drops into the water - and with the current mechanics it gets lost.

January 18, 2024, 07:51:28 PM
Haft wear out and breakage mechanics continued As mentioned in the earlier post we're working on axe and spear haft breakage mechanics and re-hafting features.
To come up with separate spear and axe head and haft items was the easiest part of the process. And that's fully completed by now.
To add mechanics and features to combine head and hafts into fully working weapons, ie. hafting, was a bigger thing to accomplish but it's also done by now.

What's been more tricky was to add active wear out mechanics when these weapons are actually used in the game world.
Be it crafting, building or in the combat. But we've gotten there by now and your axe hafts will actually wear out when the axe is used.
And eventually, when severely worn out, they will break.
(This coding groundwork can be later on utilized for making edged weapons getting dull in use, so that feature is also one step closer now.)

Here's Olaus. He has been using his axe for a long time, and now upon felling yet another tree its worn haft breaks.

It was one thing to make the haft wear out mechanics work for player character, but we also needed to put in effect for NPCs. That wasn't a piece of cake, but it's done by now.
And that opens up an opportunity for variety of new incidents to take place. It's not likely, but theoritically possible, that one day a player character finds an old axe or spear head from the woods. Dropped and left there due to NPC activity.

Here's a bear fighting scene with a companion called Aimo.
Aimo's spear haft breaks at the critical moment, but he wisely proceeds to grab the fallen spear head.
If need be, spear heads can be used as sort of substitute for a weapon, although far less effectively than a proper spear.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.83.

January 27, 2024, 05:01:18 PM
Re: [3.80] Hired help timberwork too fast? This was a clear bug, and fixed by now. There were flaws in NPC work timer calculations which made especially the timberwork to get performed far too fast.

Fixed - persists in 3.82.

February 03, 2024, 06:07:51 PM
Re: Minor text issue - skis & withes. Oh, and game courses.
The in game text says that withes can be used for making skis, but skis need a minimum tying equipment of 1.7m and withes are only 1.3m and cannot be joined together.

Solution:  Remove "withes" from the in game text on making skis.

Quite late reply from my behalf, but it's still possible to use withes despite of their single piece length. Try with two withes, there's enough withe for ski making, and the game should accept it just fine.

EDIT 16/01/23:  Another minor text issue, on completing the advanced game course you get a message saying you can begin the game courses again if you wish.  I think this used to be a thing a few years back, but has since been changed.

Solution:  Change the text to reflect that doing the game courses multiple times is no longer possible.

I don't recall making text changes recently, but checking codewise after completing both game-courses it should say:
"You have completed both game courses. Now proceed with free gameplay in the UnReal World."
After completing only one course, advanced or living in the wild, you are advised that you can continue free gameplay or choose another course.

February 03, 2024, 06:18:39 PM
Hafting additions completed with shovels The work with upcoming hafting features is completed now. In addition to spear and axe hafting we added hafting and wear out mechanics also for the shovels.
This means shovel hafts will also wear out over time and will eventually break. And yes indeed, when the shovel haft breaks the remaining shovel blade can be then
hafted again to assemble a new working shovel.
Wooden shovels are an exception, as they are made out of single piece of wood and do not feature a separate haft.
Wooden shovels will wear out too, but when they break they are of no use anymore - other than maybe used as a firewood.

Now we'll move into some bugfixing and adding random lesser features and then start to wrap things up for a release.
Version 3.83 will be released this month. Stay tuned.

February 05, 2024, 05:29:40 PM
Re: Hafting additions completed with shovels
Are other items, such as staves and clubs in the scope of next update, or will that be later release (I can see this ballooning very quick)

Other tools wear and tear additions will remain for later releases. It's probably not worthwhile to add these mechanics for all the utensils you may need in
crafting and building tasks, but for the relevant ones.
However, as we know all the weapons are already prone to damage in combat situations.

Can we expect wear and tear to be moddable; now/later/not?

I'm not sure what type of modding you are thinking of there, but the answer is yes.
Axes and shovels are automatically included in the wear out mechanics in all the crafting and building task - including diy_*.txt and biy_*.txt files.
The level of wear out can be specified with modding tags since in some tasks the tool may be used less intensely than in others.
You can also add tag to completely exclude the wear out mechanics for some entries, if need be.

February 06, 2024, 08:02:14 PM