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Re: Version 3.80 released
When arrows break we get broken arrows.

It seems it would be good to have the different head types such as "broken broadhead arrow" to facilitate recovering the high quality ones and not have the low quality ones bumped up to average.

I'd make it so that if the arrow breaks the head might remain useful and recoverable, so we would get arrowhead + broken arrow shaft. The shafts are unsable anyway if they are broken, and can be basically used only as firewood.

June 01, 2023, 08:26:25 PM
Re: Fortified village, no wall [3.80] Checked the save, cleared the maps and tried to create the same village again in the same spot - and it turned out fine.
So there must have been temporary odd hiccup with the village generation which can't be easily reproduced, or explained.
Let's hope this will never happen again, but if it does let's take another look then.

June 04, 2023, 07:38:09 PM
Re: [3_80] Arrow recipe is where?
Im updating the BAC for the 3.80 changes.

The diy_glossary lists the arrow parts under [SUBMENU_START:arrow]

which has Blunt arrow; Arrow shaft; Stone arrowhead; Bone arrowhead

But... not the final Arrow  :o

Was that intenitonal?
Is it hidden somewhere else?

BAC has alternate arrow heads not covered by the new vanilla recipes and Id like to integrate them.

Also dont want to cut off the actual arrow making by mistake.

It's intentional that making an arrow is hardcoded in 3.80, and not to be found in diy_glossary.
The reason is that in-game arrowmaking now flexibly features producing the finished arrow item based on the heads used, and the kind of system isn't possible with diy_glossary modding script.

June 09, 2023, 12:37:28 PM
Re: Is feather a base object?
Relating to BAC updating the 3.80 arrow making

Im thinking of having a strip broken arrow for feathers

Is feathers a base object?

No, feather isn't a based object, but generated on the fly from the birds when applicable.

June 09, 2023, 12:38:47 PM
Re: Version 3.80 released
I've just noticed that blacksmiths that are on master level (maybe it's also applied to different levels) can create either fine or masterwork quality of items. Probably it depends on real skill value while "master" is description of the level range.

Yes, it's the real skill value that matters - the descriptions are always for some range of level.

Wouldn't it be more fitting that this level would clearly represent quality of the items? If one master creates fine items, and another masterworks, how one's skill level is measured and such blacksmiths are comparable while effects of their work clearly aren't? Are there other things that come up with given level, for example shorter delivery time?

I don't know how many do find this so confusing that it would need a tweak, but it's possible of course to reserve "master" term only for those who make the masterwork items.
But thinking of possible real world verbal boasting of one's skills how it is now is quite natural.

Delivery times aren't currently affected by the blacksmith skill level.
Moreover, it's is imagined that they don't naturally work solely on character's order 24/7 but have other things to do as well, maintaining many different tasks and chores during the day.

June 09, 2023, 06:31:56 PM
Craftable fishing nets and more The current version 3.80 is now few weeks fresh and working smoothly.
And we've been working on a new update for this summer.
So how about just a little update about the little something upcoming?
Very well. And let's do it with a sneak preview screenshots.

So, what is to be highlighted now and to be featured in the next release is ...

Fishing nets craftable by the player characte

Player characters will be able to make fishing nets.
Thinking of the mere amount of yarn alone it's not all too simple craft to collect the material for.
You'll also need rocks for the weights, and birch-bark to wrap the weights with and to make floats.
And then there is also a special tool required ...

Netting needle. That's the tool you'll need. It's a wooden tool for weaving the net with proper knots. As a curiosity for history enthusiasts, one of the oldest known fishing nets in the world, the Antrea Net dated to 8540 BCE, was laced with knots that indicate use of netting needle. The same kind of fishing net knots have been used by Baltic Finns in much, much later dates. UnReal World takes place around 800-1200 CE.

Netting needle.

Net weight - a decent size rock wrapped in birch-bark.

Introducing pausable crafting

In the next screenshot our character has started weaving the net.
And after 6 hours of work the progress bar hasn't even reached the tenth of the remaining time...

Now what's that about?
Well, that means in the next version we'll be also introducing pausable crafting for making a net - and for few other tasks. This will be the start of featuring a possibility to have a break in long crafting tasks and continue at will later on. After the mechanics have been tested properly it will be expanded to cover wider range of crafting. Which will make quite a difference, you'll see.

So making a net won't be a task of few hours, or even few days, but can easily last for a week or more.
After four or five days of weaving the net our character takes a look at the half-finished work in progress...

Luckily for us all, the upcoming version is already more than half-finished by now.
July 2023 seems like good month for yet another release.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.80.[/i}]

June 13, 2023, 07:44:36 PM
Re: Craftable fishing nets and more
Can the half crafted net be picked up and moved around or is it attached to the tile where it was started?

It's attached to the tile. This is partly due to mechanics, but also in real life one would prefer to plan the demanding crafts so that you won't be changing your workplace.

June 14, 2023, 08:35:47 PM
Re: Craftable fishing nets and more
And I know its a long shot but any chance larger stationary fish traps could be included? Liistekatiska, a large wish trap made with thin strips of wood in shallow water forming a shape that lures in fish, was quite common fish trap historically in the region.

It's not a long shot, actually. I've been planning to take up on that right after the net code is finished. If we are lucky they'll be included in the same release.
We featured making slats (liiste) in 3.80 so more proper use for them is to follow.

June 22, 2023, 07:37:27 PM
Re: [Fixed - persists in 3.80] 3.80 Arrow making repeat is blank (but still works) Fixed now. This was the case with crafting a bowstring also.

Fixed  - persists in 3.80

June 24, 2023, 02:58:43 PM
Re: Integer overflow? This was a tricky case, but luckily it's found and fixed now. 
There was a clear math failure which manifested itself not always but in rare occasion as with this character's whereabouts.

Fixed - persists in 3.80.

June 25, 2023, 05:11:54 PM