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Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics Current version allows us to light up torch from ‘remnants of fire’* and the torch can be used for immediate relighting of more wood.
So I agree on easier/faster/guaranteed lighting of new firewood from (at least glowing) embers.

*Remnants of fire count as fire for all but automatic burning of new material.

June 11, 2020, 05:48:00 PM
Re: Version 3.63 released on Steam, Itch, and for lifetimers Awesome update!

Truly appreciate the bug fixes!

[kidding] ‘vasta’ should be called ‘vihta’ in western cultures... [/kidding]  :-X

July 10, 2020, 12:19:13 AM
Re: Let salt be salt, not preservative Salt in modern use is mainly flavor enhancer. (MSG/monosodium glutamate is a salt too)
Pre-refrigeration salt was (still is today) a preservative.
Adding salt to a stew is pretty new invention.
When meat used was already heavy salted, adding any more salt to the food wasn’t needed. Often the salted meat was soaked first to reduce salt.
(Still hoping Sami will change the meat recipes to ask for cuts of meat vs pounds of meat. Then we could use dried meat in stews et cetera)

Using juniper berries, birch leaves, heather, marjoram, nettle and so on has longer history in cooking than salt as flavor enhancer /seasoning.

July 21, 2020, 09:48:28 PM
Re: Route Points On Wilderness Map Blue for drops (smoking meat in villages, drying meat in the wilderness, lightening load when engaging big game or Njerpez, raft left on waterways)
Red for danger
Yellow for noting village/settlement fine&masterwork goods, sage, animals.
Green for worthy plants (burdock, bear pipes, golden rod and so on)
White for any other notes.

I like that you can F6 in zoom in view, make note, chase game, get kill or not. Get on wilderness view and check where you left your stuff. Super handy when bumping into game blindly.

July 27, 2020, 04:13:43 AM
Re: Let salt be salt, not preservative
However, there were cultures that considered that offering bread and salt at a meeting was a sign of welcome and a guarantee of peace. In Italy, the first press of olive oil is celebrated with flat bread, sprinkled with rock salt and olive oil.

Typically, coastal peoples had easy access to salt, whereas inland peoples often had to travel to salt sources and carry back what was needed. Where there were few traders, salt was a greatly desired product that was hard to come by... just like in the Unreal World. heh
Traditional house-warming gift in Finland is: rye bread, salt and moonshine/vodka. Bread so the house would never go hungry, salt so the house would never be poor and liquor so the house would never get sick.

July 27, 2020, 04:41:44 AM
Re: How far will you shoot your first arrow? I drop in a F6 Blue marker with note “arrows to NE” (if missed shots went to northeast)

If I get bored (in winter) likely go skiing around to look for lost stuff.
Funnily enough, arrows shot in fall... end up climbing on top of the snow... don’t let Sami know, he’d likely change that  ::)

July 27, 2020, 06:19:39 AM
Re: How to Sauna in the Finnish way? Ways to bathe in sauna varies between families. One neighbor does X, another Y.
Most apartment building have couple saunas in basement or ground floor. Most homes have built in sauna. Most summer (or winter cottages/villas) have either built in or separate sauna.

Some are electric heated. Some are wood heated, with chimney and some, although more rare ‘in modern times’ a traditional, chimneyless “smoke sauna”

Apartment dwellers get to have either Friday or Saturday evening “sauna shift” usually limited to 30min of steam room access.
Many house owners/renters heat up sauna 1-3 days a week.
Smoke sauna is rarely heated more than once a week. (Unless at “experience resort”, then likely heated up more often)

Most folks with modern amenities, shower first, just simple rinse with water. Then get up on the rafters, throw water on the hot rocks/stones. Enjoy the “löyly” (sauna steam). Throw more water on the kiuas (sauna stove). Get sweat pour out from the pores. If private dwelling with private backyard, step outside in fresh air (summer, winter doesn’t matter), enjoy sip of cold drink. Water or beer, cider. If there’s lake or river, plunge in. In winter, making a snow angel is invigorating.

As for vasta, that’s heretical eastern dialect word for the real name of vihta. Needs to be made of several, fresh leafed birch twigs. Should be round, at least 12” (30cm) diameter.
Soak it in warm-hot water (the leafy end) for 5-15 minutes. Can lay it on top of kiuas rocks. Not needed though. Then beat/whoop back, legs, chest, abdomen with it. (It’s soft motion, not flogging. Set back in water every now and then.
If one uses vihta, all others should too or realize the escaping air in front of the vihta app s pretty darn hot.

Lakeside summer cabin with sauna the sauna session might be several hours, relax, sweat, unwind, swim. During one’s summer vacation, the sauna at the cabin will likely get heated up every day.

One can wrap a hot dog/sausage in some aluminum foil and place it on the rocks to steam it for a after sauna snack.

Some folks like to splash a little beer on the rocks, but that’s not for me.

And, another one here will likely do it differently.

July 30, 2020, 06:42:54 AM
Re: [3.63] Ghost-Spruces in the forest
There is nothiong on that tile but a dog, I checked it several times, and if you have looked well at the picture you would also have seen it. I really like people who just try to slap off something by a half-baked assertion or speculation.

Given there are 3 dogs of which 2 are partially or mostly covered by trees; we can’t know which of the 3 dogs is Xana. With limited information provided, the only recourse is to speculate or assume.  I.e. asking if there’s a spruce sapling behind the pine, the tile of the southernmost dog; there’s no offense, but hostility can be sensed on another post...

September 07, 2020, 07:16:30 PM
Re: Diary of Mikka Kaumolainen, a slave no more Nice writing, and if we wouldn’t practice English (or any other languages) how would we ever improve?

Hunt with ancestors Mikka.

September 07, 2020, 08:03:17 PM
Re: [3.63] Ghost-Spruces in the forest I can’t see through the pine, that’s masking the 2 closest dogs. Is there a spruce sapling behind it?
September 07, 2020, 08:04:57 PM