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Deer&elk Calf hide yield I'm not sure on the math with the calf skin size, but it seems... low.
I just skinned another forest reindeer calf, 2lbs fine winter skin*. 42lbs meat. In-game day earlier, bumped into a badger on my trap line check run and bust its knee (it might've been a badger adventurer?  :P) skinned it, got Fine Badger winter skin, and butchering yielded 8 lbs of meat. Which is something that has been "established as good representation of actual*
It'd seem the calf yield is low vs other fur bearers.
Not sure if bug, intentional or oversight?

*Elk calfs seem to yield 3lbs skin most of the time. which is in ratio to deer calves.

But both calves seem to yield roughly third of the skin size vs other creatures.. less so for badger vs deer calf where the discrepancy ratio is 1:5.25  :o

  so I suggest to 2x or 2.5x the hide received from skinning calves

May 14, 2020, 07:24:39 AM
Decapitations and dismembering? I recall getting occasional decapitation and more frequent arm cut off in days of yore.
Now in 3.62 it seems can only achieve “X nearly severed”.

With broad and bastard swords. Haven’t found battle sword yet. And Expert level in swords.
Has the severing business changed or am I just getting ‘unlucky’ dice rolls/RNG?
Sample rate is only 21 Njerpez (3 instakills with neck&eye shots) so far. “Nearly severed his head” on the unconscious, sleeping or stealth ... terminations.

May 16, 2020, 01:37:09 AM
Functionality change salting Main attraction for salting vs smoking or drying is the time it takes. Yet, you need to come back 5 days later to collect the salted protein. And coming back deducts usability that we can get by smoking. I.e. if I have to come back for the protein, why not take it to cabin to begin with?

As salting doesn’t require water and tub, we presumably heavy salt in-game.
So other than game mechanic from all other cooking, why can’t our characters pack the salted protein and let it cure in the rucksack?

In short, allow salted food to be picked up, before it’s “cooked”/cured. Don’t allow eating it before cooked/cured.

May 19, 2020, 12:17:00 AM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics
That 3-4 days is "hot curing" smoking which is far more recent method than what was in use at the time of the game. I dearly wouldn't count on preservation of few months with that, unless it dried up to "beef jerky" fashion.

What we refer to, is explained by Ilmar Talve in "Finnish Folk Culture" simply as:
"The meat was smoked in the sauna, to begin with at a low temperature for 1-2 weeks ('cold-curing'), after which it was kept at a high temperature for 2-3 days to make sure it war properly done."

I've not tried that method, but drying first and then hot smoking, does give good flavor on jerky. Rather than using liquid smoke on the jerky-marinade. Drying in 145F or 63C for 8h cures thin cut and 36h marinated beef or venison. The strips stay good in pantry for at least 5 months. Both in ziploc bags and wrapped in paper towel and wrapped in cotton towel.
Just need to be sure to trim any thick fat deposits, as they could contain moisture 'pocket' and cause the strip of meat to mould. Not that 63C is warm enough for a proper sauna bath.

There's also option to use smoking teepee, instead of parachute, I'd reckon cavemen and folks since could've used animals hides.

May 20, 2020, 07:56:44 PM
Re: New to the game, mods?
Sorry guys but you are wrong. Life without chickens is not life...  ;D
Who needs chickens? We need catch live / cage traps and option to domesticate mallards! And Swans!

May 21, 2020, 09:37:26 PM
Re: Tilegfx for peeled trees Secondary request for yellow/orange/red/brown leaves on deciduous trees during fall/autumn and no leaves on them during winter.
Just graphics, mood, immersion standpoint. Ground changes color, would be sweet to see deciduous/ leaf trees change colors too.

May 22, 2020, 06:15:54 AM
Re: Does BAC reduce realism? Metallic firearm cartridges are made of brass, not bronze.
Or aluminum: which are non-reloadable.
Or steel, which can be reloaded, but exert excessive wear on the reloading dies. A lot of the steel cases use Berdan primers too, which makes depriming even slower manual task, vs most brass cases being Boxer primed. Of course there are some brass cases using berdan primers. And some manufacturers brass cases have narrow flash hole and standard de-capping pins won’t fit through (.223 Remington by Fiocchi being one such ‘case’)

Another exception would be brass headed plastic shot shells. Shotguns have lower pressures than rifles or handguns.

And most metallic cases can be reloaded from 2-20-ish times. How hot are the loads, are the cases conducive to reloading: mouth, shoulder geometry. Mouth and wall thickness. Is the chamber oversized. Are the cases neck or full sized. Are the cases annealed between reloads.

I’ve played FO4, I like the setting. But it’s far-cry from realism too. Generic pipe won’t make a barrel. It’d end up as pipebomb most likely. Or couldn’t hit wide side of barn: even when shot from inside of the barn.

But then, for failed realism: nothing beats Minecraft magic contra-gravity tiles, simply floating in air when supporting block gets removed.

May 23, 2020, 07:13:23 PM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics
Allfather, I crave for animal husbandry. Anyways, I liked that fire mechanics improvements  ;D
It’s on the dev.plans already

May 25, 2020, 04:07:35 AM
Graphical representation of known people. When someone gets aggressive, we see the red “ “ above them.
What I’d like to see is green, blue, orange or yellow “ “ or * or ! or ? on them

But more specific, if an unknown/not yet introduced villager has a quest, or has something to tell or suggest to the character, have them display e.g. yellow ! Or ?

If that character was known to the character, display the icon in blue and if friendly, in green.

It’d also be nice if known NPCs were similarly identified, so character wouldn’t need to manually look at them, just to see if they’re known, or if that’s the NPC quest giver or not.

Characters* / icons, colors all open.

*a-z, “!? and so on

May 27, 2020, 05:37:11 PM
Re: What are you eating today? Yesterday was: lox* bagel, chipotle** chicken and rice bowls, dinner was carne asada aka grilled flap steak

Today: eggs Benedict, haven’t decided on lunch or dinner yet. Left over tacos for lunch from yesterday’s dinner is highly probable.

*cold smoked salmon
**smoked jalapeño

June 07, 2020, 07:49:15 PM