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Shelter(s), rain&snow cover, mobile winter hunting. We have our 3 slender trunk (presumably 2 half cut, snapped &bent, without needing any tying equipment. Although dismantling returns 3 intact slender trunks, not 1 and 2 half cut&split/cracked) shelter with spruce twig roof.

One of the mods (BAC) has punt shelter, but it has to replace the current shelter, both can't be active at same time.

I've been scouring sources available on US west coast... slim, about 'loue' a: "single pole, cord and cover shelter's" history.
It's *the Finnish hunting trip shelter from rain & heat reflector*, but I can't really find anything beyond early 1920s.

I can't come to accept that people 1,000, 2,000, 3,000... even 6,000 years ago would've not used some hides (tanned hide, fur coat, fur cloak in URW terms) to set up overnight shelter during inclement weather. To be taken down in the morning and heading back on the unknown wilderness.

So the suggestions:

1) 'Loue' shelter (as we don't have sq. ft. on the hides, I'd like to see 10lbs-20lbs fur*, 8 ft tying equipment and proximity of 'slender trunk' providing tree: standing, not felled or 1 slender trunk)
2) fur ... bivouac? (10+lbs fur, 2x 6ft tying equipment and 2 stakes)
3) More than 1, moddable shelter/world item type... ( this could be a PAIN to code... ick)
4) current shelter to require 2x2ft ( so even a single birch withe, cut in 2 would suffice, "teach newbies about cordage" etc) tying material OR disassembling shelter to return only 1 slender trunk and 2 new item "cracked slender trunk" with the 20 twigs.

*if/when we get textile crafts in vanilla, sewing a flax and/or hemp cloth for the cover cloth should be included. considerably lighter weight than fur.
FYI Cotton&vinyl cloth loue cover weights around 6lbs with cordage. Doesn't need oil treating for water proofing, angling steep suffices and keeps weight down.

May 05, 2020, 04:39:29 AM
Additional “trophies” It’d be nice if we could get skulls of taken: lynxes, gluttons, wolves.
Get tusks of wild boars. Claws from bears and lynxes, gluttons and badgers.
And maybe even Njerpez’s/human skulls.
“Have skulls, build a grimoire”

And it’d be pretty nice touch if we could apply pair of antlers or a predator skull above the door on our cabins. Or ask for optional “trophy” when building door.

May 07, 2020, 07:38:37 AM
Crayfish Please consider adding crayfish in-game (astacus astacus) and ‘rapumerta’ a crayfish trap.

Preliminary Build recipe for the crayfish trap: 1 slender trunk, 5’ tying material (1’+3’+1’) ends and middle ‘banding’
Baitable by small fish; roach or perch, or 1/2lb cut of larger fish.

Caught crayfish should be boiled and eaten fresh. Or kept in ‘sumppu’ a submerged keep-alive for 3-5 days, then boiled and eaten.

May 07, 2020, 07:49:39 AM
Hill, cliffs and mountains Currently it seems that higher elevation features: mountains, hills and cliffs, only have trees grow on the edges, not atop or on way up.

Please add some small /slow growth birches and pines on them.

Adjust cliffs and mountains  to occasionally have a sheer rock face, to steep to be climbed.

May 07, 2020, 08:07:51 AM
Re: Additional “trophies” When the game gets old women added to villages, maybe have some of them, when in good standing with the village, have her ask for trophy item X, and when delivered make a good luck charm for the character.
Or have it as a sage/shaman quest.

May 08, 2020, 06:25:44 AM
Re: Is this new? Rose root grows in North. Usually around mountains, caves, cliffs.

Never had buried treasure, just stashed in a cave or crag.

May 10, 2020, 09:22:17 AM
Re: A few ideas after playing quite a lot: Both travois and smoke are in the dev.plans.
 I love the crutch suggestion.
For mega projects, we sadly can’t dig deeper than a one the  !!fun!!
It wouldn’t be  thematically appropriate here anyway.

There’s suggestions for inward corner for log structures and plank/board interior walls already, so that could open up building 1km x 1km log fortress. (Just 10x10 wilderness map areas... keep you busy few years. Only 12,000 trees to fell for perimeter walls  some extra for shutters, door, floor&ceiling etc. bonus points for having 2, even 3 villages... inside your cabin)

May 10, 2020, 11:04:01 PM
Re: A few ideas after playing quite a lot: Dev.plans on homepage : Development
May 11, 2020, 04:25:16 PM
Re: Lika's Story I think the portrait could be from very early morning, with nary any twilight illumination before dawn. Would be perfect for May-June without snow on the ground and background fading like with gentle mist. 👍🏽 👍🏽
May 11, 2020, 05:45:18 PM
Re: Protecting Crops? If your character has a dog: sleep outside by the field, until wake up to noises/seeing something. Hide. And . . . the badger will come to sight. Tell your dog to attack the badger.
Follow the dog and butcher the badger carcass, the skin is likely torn to ragged or worse.

May 12, 2020, 08:20:51 AM