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Re: Sightings
If we are talking foreign traders, I think they should be in the village or camped very close to it.  The idea of them wandering the forests at random, searching for lone trappers and hunters who may or may not have quality pelts is a little silly.  Also immersion breaking if you are far from any villages and foreign traders are more common than game!

Foreign traders would camp in or close to a village, and wait for trappers and hunters to come to them.  Word would get around, so the player may be told "It is said that foreign traders have set up a camp close to XXXXX village".  IMHO, they should also be found only at coastal villages or those connected to the coast by trail.

Enterprising FTs might be working their way up rivers too, I.e. coastal Finns might've learnt the value of their furs, so traders might try to get better deals deeper inland. And also look for wind-shamans and any warriors to join on the plundering treks to ... Lindesfarn... Rome ... Paris ... Miklagard...

But yes, I agree that path finding improvement would be in order for FTs: village to village, then same way back or circling around. Doing donuts at random pine mire 12 miles from closest village makes very little sense.
Even nicer would be if the FTs would tell you which generic direction they're headed, so you can meet up with them later with more furs. "5 days inland, then 2 days north and finally 6 or so days back to the coast/ship"

July 21, 2023, 04:26:53 AM
Re: [3.80] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and More! I think Brygun removed leather from the recipes.
If you lost mod item arrow shafts and want to get them replaced in 3.80, the recipe to get X shafts to cover the losses isn't to tricky to conjure.
Adjust Fine %50% so its 69 when added to your Carpentry skill. Add it in suitable diy_something.txt, save, run the recipes ingame, remove the recipes, save.

Code: [Select]


.Perfect Arrow shaft. (30) [effort:0] [phys:hands]  *CARPENTRY*   %95% |-2| /1/
{Board}  (2)  [remove] [noquality] [ground] [name:Arrow shaft]

.Fine Arrow shaft.  (100) [effort:0] [phys:hands]  *CARPENTRY*   %50% |-2| /1/
{Board}  (5)  [remove] [noquality] [ground] [name:Arrow shaft]


July 21, 2023, 04:56:52 AM
Re: [3.80] Blacksmiths wrongly estimating the cost of hooks What I've noticed is that arrowheads, broadheads and fish hooks all suffer from same cost estimate failure. The Smith gives you an cost estimate of a single head/hook, not the whole batch.
You can also purchase a single item from the smith too: When asking if the order is ready and smith confirms, hit 0 to return to chat top menu*, then trade, and you can select how many of the heads/hooks you actually want to barter for.

*the smith will nag about "you not better leave him with the ordered goods", don't mind the grouch, it's just lack of fresh air :P

August 01, 2023, 08:17:50 PM
Re: Thoughts on All Crops I guess you mean produced quantity from plant with the 'stack size' (stack in general is all items in inventory or ground that has matching properties i.e. 590 lake reed roots or 16 fine arrows)
You can open flora_xyz.txt file and the harvestable amount is in parenthesis immediately after the plant's name. e.g.
.Turnip.     (20)
.Pea.        (5)

Hope this helps. Wiki also seems to be mostly up-to-date on that.

If you believe clayweed should produce more, you can always edit the amount in the files, then when you sow new or load an area previously not visited, the new maximum will apply to the generated plants. After all, it's your unreal world.

August 01, 2023, 08:32:32 PM
Re: [3.80] Canceling the building of post-spruce will make the young spruce walkable This one was acknowledged by Sami and deemed "let it be"
August 03, 2023, 10:24:23 PM
Re: What actually affects fishing outcome? Location! e.g. You won't get salmon from small lake. I have not done thorough testing, but I'm near certain depletion is not implemented.
Good fishing spots, like real life, are closely guarded secrets. Some shorelines work great, namely rapids and rivers. Often, as well as IRL, fishing the 'drop' or edge-of-deep seems to have potential for good catch. In-game: next to where the gradual water depth graphics are set to darkest blue.

Fishing skill. Haul is dramatically more for 50% skill than 25%. 80%+ can go wandering with rod and not worry about starvation.

Fishing equipment. Nets are kings. Fishing rod can yield all types present at the location, depending on bait. Tridents produce medium-large fish. Wide>standard>small>spears>staves>clubs>rocks.

Standing with water spirits. All take and no give, will decrease good spots to ok, ok to meh, and meh spots to catchless. (like everything spirits related, there's only speculation outside the dev chambers) I'd wager a guess that your testing might've been skewed for that. If my character hits a dry spell and can't catch any fish, I'll stop fishing for few days to a week. First fish I catch (with a mod, cut up some chunks and single piece) will be sacrificed. Next fishing attempts generally produce fish again.
Remember that roasted fish becomes "land sacrifice", so leave those roaches and perches uncooked. Unless really starving.

I have the following in use, you can add it in any diy_xyz.txt file, not in cookery_xyz.txt
As there's no mechanism to retain the actual fishes nutritional values without cooking it, which would remove the small fish characteristic 'use the whole roach/perch as bait', all fish baits get nutritional values of perch. Takes 1 pound of fish, gives 4 pieces 1/4 each. So catching a single pike, you won't lose whole fish to sacrifice, but just a chunk. Keep 3 chunks for later baiting and most of the fish for roasting for supper.
Spoiler: show
Code: [Select]

.Cut fish bait. (4) "Perch" [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] *COOKERY* /5/ |-2| [noquality] [patch:5]
{Raw fish} #1# [remove] [ask_num] [name:%s chunk] [patchwise]

August 04, 2023, 12:26:56 AM
Re: [3.80] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and More! Installing a mod is very flexible. You can continue your existing characters perfectly. And if you later remove the mod, any modded items will remain (graphics for them might disappear). And you can still keep playing the same characters.

There are mods that add a lot of plants and with well traveled characters won’t get properly utilized, in which case it would be best to start a new character.

August 07, 2023, 09:55:27 PM
Re: Is there any point retting nettles? If you ret and dry nettles, 150 straws will yield 10 fiber bundles. If you extract fibers from non-ret nettle straw, you'll get 9 fiber bundles from 150 straws. I've not experimented enough to say for certain there's fixed 10% loss. (at 'Skilled textilecraft' 56%)
August 08, 2023, 09:42:42 PM
Cords! For few versions of the game, cords were actually pretty useless. That's funny coming from smoking&drying 19 cuts at a time. Yarn and withes took over.

Now with Netweaving, I find myself looking for woodsmen and hunters in settlements and villages, they might be carrying some cheap* to trade cords for nets' top and bottom lines  ;D

*smoked elk cut is close to nothing...

August 11, 2023, 05:03:50 AM
Re: [3.81] "Your spear strikes hard to his eye!" when standing behind target ... if you strike opponents face or eye from behind, I'd say it is safe to say that the "opponent sighs, and then lays dead".
August 11, 2023, 08:30:00 PM