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Re: 3.80 Punt quest very messy I've once had the punt maker say something in lines of: "it'll be done by late morning". Late morning came, spoke to him, he said the same. Not that it'd be done shortly etc. I think that character crafted something to pass time, might've been noon. Spoke to punt maker: "late morning". And did same, picked up the punt, took to the old fisherman, complete quest.

For those who want punt crafting, add in corresponding SUBMENUs in diy_glossary.txt:
do not replace any section within the file. And leave one empty row below and above recipes and sub menu identifiers.
Code: [Select]

.Hollowed log. "Log" [effort:3] [phys:arms,one-armed] *TIMBERCRAFT* /6h/ |2| [assist:2] [noquality]
{Log} '+to be hollowed' [remove]
{Fire} '+for burning the hollow'
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+for cleaning charred wood'



.Punt. [effort:2] [phys:hands,one-armed] *CARPENTRY* /300/ %50% |1|
{Hollowed log} [ground] [remove] +'Hollowed log to shape'
{Axe} <Handaxe>
{* fat*} #1# +'fat for treating' [remove] [noquality]
{Fire} '+for heating the fat'


June 19, 2023, 06:18:27 AM
Re: Birds should be less intimidating I agree, also would be nice to have a separate option in the ini file exclude birds prompting task cancellations.
June 20, 2023, 09:12:34 PM
Re: Please make it easier to find arrows that missed your target Blunt arrows since 3.80 have lot less range than before.
And yes, sometimes shooting on flat land, it’s pretty difficult to see how the arrow might fly 150-300m (165-330 yards). That’s some serious upward angle shot.

Realistically though, losing arrows is more than likely on any missed shot. I’ve had arrows disappear in undergrowth, push through a rotten stump with nothing visible of the arrow. Just saw it hit, had to dig and tear in to the stump to find the arrow.

There’s an alternative solution for finding arrows hiding: mod to add corner brackets on the arrows’ graphics. Visible arrows by @Galgana

June 22, 2023, 01:52:31 AM
Re: Effin' lynx. If bear shows up to your cabin, at least you don’t have to haul the skin and meat before getting smoking (or drying) and tanning.

Call it “a high calorie food home delivery”

June 22, 2023, 01:55:03 AM
Sightings Now that we have a system in place for asking for blacksmiths that extends beyond connected villages, I suggest to add foreigner sightings.

Either villagers telling the character there's some foreign people sighted at X direction, Y distance away. Earlier in the day, yesterday, few days, week ago.
Or the character could ask if the folks have heard of or seen foreigners lately, same as for smiths and sages.

Extra bonus if we could get sightings of traders and invaders both.

June 23, 2023, 01:50:42 AM
Re: Sightings Maybe even sightings of wildlife: bear, elk, forest reindeer herd, wolf pack. But I feel that would require good or great relationship with the people. Especially with elk and deer, folks wouldn't give away locations of game that their lives can depend on, to some stranger passing by.
June 23, 2023, 01:54:16 AM
Re: [3.80] The applicable weapon skill for the bone arrowhead is tuntematon I feel that the skill should be unarmed. Pinching the arrow head between knuckles…
June 23, 2023, 10:49:44 PM
Re: Santa might want to put out some want ads. Sometimes one gets lucky :)

Also, I tend to use bark for tanning small game, say up to lynx/wolf.
Deer, elk and bear I generally tan with the animals' fat. (unless I need fat for custom recipes)

June 24, 2023, 06:05:59 PM
Re: Version 3.80 released I've now found few master smiths that produce Fine items. I actually don't mind it, as they still can produce the more complex items, I.e. skramasaksi, broad sword, and so on, according to the cultures knowledge of the items.

Maybe the local goethite can't be used to produce Masterwork items: the smith is master at forging, but maybe not a master bloomer.

I've not wandered in Sartola, but Driik and Reemi Expert smiths do not offer skramasaksi, only Master smiths do. And yet somehow in the world there are Decent and Fine skramasaksis.

June 27, 2023, 07:37:38 PM
Re: BAC Mod Weaving yardage. I read some years ago how vikings needed more pastures, to raise more sheep, to get wool, to nalbind sails and clothes.
So the sheer amount of yarn needed to make clothing doesn't really surprise much. But yeah, that's a LOT of yarn for 8sq ft!

June 28, 2023, 07:19:50 AM