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Re: Bloodscrapes disappeared on reloading They definitely should be. You should be able to save UrW to take care of something else and return to continue, even if it was in the middle of a chase of a wounded animal.
April 22, 2020, 02:29:11 PM
Re: Pause for spacebar when you fall through the ice To try to save the character, drop EVERYTHING carried and not worn except a couple of knives that ought to be wielded to increase the chance of getting up onto the ice. Not only does it increase the chance that the ice may support the character if you manage to crawl up onto it (and don't stand up: crawl to the shore to spread the pressure over a larger area), but it also lowers the fatigue buildup rate and the chance to actually get out.

You may decide it's better to try to swim back than to try to get up onto the ice, but you definitely should lighten the load in that case as well.

April 23, 2020, 10:28:27 AM
Re: Some cooking and modding improvements? Pot as the second item: The logical reason would be that you bring the pot and then add items to it. The game play reason would be all the times you (or at least I) carefully select the ingredients, only to find that I'd forgotten to fetch the pot, and so has to go through the whole process again.
April 28, 2020, 06:12:40 PM
Re: [Fixed - persists in 3.61] Tracks being modified by overlapping I'm sorry, Sami, but I can't find my way back to those tracks: all tracks I find now are either a day old or an hour fresh (and I did find the bull in a save I branched off when I encountered the fresh tracks). However, I saw the tracks switched from bull tracks to cow tracks as I loaded the save (where my character was standing on them).

I suspect the older tracks were stronger in that they were probably overlapping in the old state, so the new tracks would make fresh marks with an unclear direction on top of the old ones which already had an unclear direction. When it comes to strength, even bird tracks are capable of making you unable to determine the direction of an elk (or bull) you're tracking.

I'll keep my eyes open should I encounter the situation again.

May 13, 2020, 08:21:33 PM
Re: Early-Mid-Game Progression Questions I'm not afraid of accidental robber encounters, as you can easily save your life by surrendering (and potentially return to take your stuff back when prepared after having grabbed backup equipment), and even when you fight them, they typically just steal your stuff and dump you somewhere (usually badly injured, but alive), even when you've killed one or more of them. Wolves are dangerous, though, as are bears and Njerps.
I think I've lost two characters to wolves and the rest to Njerps (well, there was an early case of drowning as well, before understanding the mechanics).

May 31, 2020, 02:42:13 PM
Re: A Hunting Goshawk It's not unheard of for my early characters to steal the kill from hunting birds (once, I think I've even stole the kill from a wolf, before legging it).
June 18, 2020, 02:29:54 PM
Re: Kota My guess, without having built a kota for years, is that you've made it too small so it actually only has a single tile of space in it. If possibly try to compare your kota with the ones in the game and see if yours are smaller (you might start a new character in an easy start up in the north and walk to the nearest village).
June 23, 2020, 11:17:56 PM
Re: Spoiler alert: don't understand quest about missing animal It's currently unknown, I think, whether "forest cover" is to be taken literally or not. I've definitely seen the tracks go out into open terrain, but I can't remember if any of the "last" tracks have been in open terrain. In my last case new tracks appeared after a day of fruitless burning on "last" tracks, and I eventually found the missing creature.

Thus, you probably have to search each and every tile within the circle (probably excluding the village). Also note that it's easy to miss the tracks in spruce forest because of the limited visibility. In pine forest you can get away with moving on the overland map and zoom into each tile, look around, and then zoom out again, while you have to be lucky for that to work out in spruce infested terrain. I walk back and forth mostly zoomed in for one row/column of tiles at a time, which is extremely tedious.

Also, you're unlucky to get a boar, as, unless the track changes have modified it, you can't see the difference between the tracks of a tame boar and those of a wild one.

It is the most tedious quest in the game, and one I'm prepared to skip or fail because of the extreme tedium involved.

June 24, 2020, 10:03:17 AM
Re: Trapped Crippled Beings Are Too Good At Dodging. You should see them without that handicap :P

On the positive side, all those misses mean more opportunities to train unarmed combat.

June 26, 2020, 11:05:13 PM
Re: Summer and sales, and a new patch in horizon Definitely not winter fur...
June 29, 2020, 08:22:17 AM