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Re: Cant get back to shelter
I used the 3rd party mod to select the start location.

 Thanks :D
 So then not really a bug then. I have seen this message before, however I was at the Far East, looking for, killing and eating Njerpez.

December 07, 2020, 02:21:30 AM
Re: Modding Tutorial and Help  The parameter afaik (designed for preferred tool) is not made to distinguish between different items when string text is used.

Eg; {Knife} is a generic call for any knife item <Fisher`s knife> would set a preference to use the fisher`s knife.
{Clay lump} is calling for a specific item spelled exactly as "Clay lump" and this <Fine clay lump> is ignored.

I could see this sort of thin working if the generic item types are used in the {};
{Tying equipment} <Random string name>
{Cutting weapon} <some edged weapon name>

 Though I have not tested that the above works.

Edit: Tried to apply some items using the <preferred> tag
Tried {Raw fish}<Roach> and it auto used a pike
Tried {Tying equipment}<Random cloth> and it prompts for selection on tying equipment
Neither of these generate text message that xxx is preferred
Added {Cutting weapon}<Axe>  to see what happens, with no axe, it displays text that Axe would be preferred and auto selects a knife. With Axe in hand it auto uses an axe.

 Even without [remove] in the recipes that may force selection only the axe worked as expected. So I'm back to don't think it's possible.

December 08, 2020, 05:43:08 PM
Njerpez War camp?  So I just loaded up and decided to go to town.
I hit enter and F6 to see what town I want to go to and I find this!?

Now this spot was not there when I played yesterday
as I had gone well north and back south over about 6 days.

I'll need to go home for a water craft to investigate this area.
I've had this character for about 4 rl years so I don't mind saying,
 that for the first time in a very long time I'm a bit nervous :D

Spoiler: show

December 10, 2020, 04:23:14 AM
Re: Njerpez War camp?

And grab a couple fellows to join you.

 That would have been a good idea. I was over confident with 3 dogs ^_^;

December 10, 2020, 07:25:14 AM
Re: Njerpez War camp?  No worries about the toon, though I didn't backup the save, I do have other older copies of the save from 3.3, 3.4,3.5 versions.
Some of those have longer life spans as the "Njerpez camp" appeared in this save from my Steam version of the game.

 Once I had 'spotted' it (Note: it did not tell me that I saw a settlement) Saw it after resting in a fishing shelter I have nearby when I hit F6

Found a lone Njerpez warrior at the edge of the clearing (Should have probably run at this point)

I sneaked up but only saw one wooden structure, though the clearing looked large.

I think I killed 3 before I took a 39% spear to the neck, then things got hectic and someone got behind me, the engaged count was 5 and a steam of 3 were still flowing down from the North.

 I would have probably been disappointed if it would have ended any other way.  ;) ;)

December 10, 2020, 08:38:01 PM
Re: Possible to force using tying equipment made of single piece?
Is it possible to force that the tying equipment required to be of one single continuous piece?

and, while I'm at this,

Is it possible to force that the skin required to be of one single piece?

I can't readily think of a way to do this using in-game mechanics, as generally the game leans toward bits and fistfuls combining to survive. Only two metrics are used/available for an ingredient; 'name' and amount or weight or length. afaik

December 10, 2020, 11:12:53 PM
Re: modding trees - tree painters needed Not an artist but I have done one ;)

Here's a Christmas tree, swap with fire and see the lights twinkle

December 12, 2020, 07:32:23 PM
Re: Njerpez War camp?  They're Back!

Loaded a year old (2019 last change) version of the same toon. He had slightly more playtime than his steam version.

On my way to check the Southern traps and uh oh! Njerpez again. This is a different spot than the other save.

December 15, 2020, 08:44:49 AM
Re: Njerpez War camp?  This time I just went home, Honey will be available at that yellow 'X' in about a week, and Ugh needs to get drunk.  ;D
December 15, 2020, 07:26:43 PM
Re: is it possible to eat deadly poison and survive by eating the right herb? Just guessing but I bet 20 squirrel hides you'd need to find a Shaman for at least one treatment to survive.

Though I wonder if there is a lethal dosage threshold, like 2 sand mushrooms? or a tiny drip soup that had a miniscule amount added.

 And why can't you poison NPCs?

December 16, 2020, 07:54:09 PM