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Re: A safe place for cows Very creative!

By the way, your handle is awesome... Melkor's fortress.

July 06, 2018, 01:03:51 AM
Re: Rare random dead bodies
There could be a quest... "My husband has not returned from hunting for 7 days, last I heard he was heading in the direction of Wolf Falls in the north-east..."  When you find the hunter, he is already dead.  Not dissimilar to the "Wounded Adventurer" quest.

I've thought for a while that it would be cool to occasionally find abandoned camps/settlements.  Some of the starting scenarios allow you to do this but it would also be neat for it to originate organically during play.
And you would get a reward for bringing back the body for her. This would be a good quest to introduce along with a new item, either a travois drawn by an animal or a smaller one or sled (in snow) pulled by the character.

September 02, 2018, 09:32:12 PM
Re: Which skill affects trap creation quality?
Fox quality quality creation is affected by trap skill.
But loop snare by crafting.

I have high trapping skill and low carpentry. So I make fine Fox traps and decent Loop snares.

using perfect boards works better then using poor boards, hence, it take smore then just trapping skill
Of course, better input -> better output.  My reply was aimed at helping the questioner be able to answer other questions for him/herself by pointing out that game-files contain answers. As your reply was also helpful.

September 17, 2018, 03:01:34 AM
Re: Spell Giving Quests I like the new spell system better than the old one, including the rarity of spells discussed in this thread.

If every 16-year old character learned the number of spells as in the old system, then every 16-year old character would know more spells than the shamans do, at least that's how I see it.

A bit of "realism" has been added with the new system and it's cool.

Cheers to Sami.  8)

September 28, 2018, 02:59:49 AM
Re: Guinness world record for "First open-world survival videogame" Congratulations Sami and Erkka on this well-deserved recognition!
 ;D  ;D

October 21, 2018, 01:10:56 PM
Re: How to burn npc alive? Yes. My suggestion is to try a different game.
This game is not intended as a venue for homicidal maniacs, lol.

That being said, what human would allow someone to pile wood
around them and burn them alive?  (Other than one of those monks
in orange robes over in India.)

October 24, 2018, 01:29:33 AM
Re: sacrificing dried fish pleases the forest, not the water This makes sense to me because when a fish is first caught is when I think the sacrifice would be meaningful to the water spirits, rather than many days later after the fish is dried. Besides, water spirits are wet and dried fish has no water in it, so it may be insulting to the spirits to give it back to them in that condition.

For similar reasons, it would make sense to me if NO dried fish or meat was acceptable to ANY spirit. I could see any spirit being insulted by dried flesh. 

"Why did you wait so long to say thank you to me for this beautiful animal you took away from my domain?" or "What have you done to the juicy, blood-filled flesh of my creature, you defiler!"

November 15, 2018, 05:20:37 PM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ?
On reflection, it's puzzling that a raft made up of 3 500lb tree trunks winds up so comparatively light! heh
Some have reset the weight of their raft(s) to 1500 lbs.
Here's what I did:

.Raft.  [effort:3] [phys:stance,arms]   *COMMON* /20/
{Log}   (3)    [remove]   
{Rope}      (3)   [remove]
{Cutting weapon} <Axe>          
// JEB: VANILLA was {Tree trunk} added [WEIGHT]
// JEB: was /80/ (reduced because logs had to be carved beforehand)

December 02, 2018, 03:10:04 AM
Re: Bugged cooking names
A pea soup becomes "a pot of pea".

And then you drink it.

The English similarity of "pee" as fluid urine makes this a rather colored joke. Yellow in fact.

Well...   this IS a survival game!

January 20, 2019, 12:04:24 AM
Re: How exactly to make elk leather Here is what I did a couple of years ago, my changes listed in commented lines at bottom.
I figure cutting the skin's rounded shape would leave lots of wasted leather and using some of the leather as strips to stitch the edges. It's just a roughly done recipe, not thought out in that much detail.

.Skin.   [effort:1] [phys:hands]  *COMMON* /120/   %40%   
{Leather} #3# [remove]
{*Cord} [remove]
// Tying equipment changed to Cord
// DEFAULT JEB added [WEIGHT] (default was 0.3 pound), {Leather} was #4#

January 25, 2019, 02:25:06 AM