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Re: Rauko Today the temperature is hovering around freezing and the ice is not melting. Rauko gives one of the 11 perch back to the lake spirits, feeds one to Badgerbane, then boils some bearpaw mushrooms to eat, knowing they are poison when raw. He then makes perch soup and roasts the 5 remaining fish.

He's set for food now for a couple of days, so he decides to do a bit of exploring. Since he's not planning to hunt, it's a good time to wear the mail hauberk and get used to how it feels. After walking a while, one thing becomes clear... he needs a belt to hold some of it's weight at the hips and take the burden off his shoulders.

Having walked around to the far side of the lake and back by evening, he's ready to turn in for the night.

For the first time in a while, his sleep is disturbed by that old dream of the bear killing his father. He jumps up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat to find not a bear, but his dog looming over him in the darkness.

Grateful, he falls back to sleep.

June 05, 2018, 11:40:42 PM
Re: Rauko In the morning he continues exploring to the north and north-east, returning in late afternoon after finding nothing of note other than an elk in the distance. He's relieved to take off the heavy mail, and works on some more arrow shafts. It's a little warmer than yesterday and as he turns in for the night he's hopeful for the ice to melt soon.

Early morning brings a wet snowfall. Rauko needs fibers to bind feathers and arrowheads and has run out of the ones he made from tendons. Remembering his father taught him to make fibers from rowan, willow, or alder bark, he searches to find those trees, but has no luck. Afternoon comes, and from a hill he sees a herd of deer.

"Come, Badgerbane, let's hunt."

But the deer have left the area, and searching until the sun gets low he finds them not. Following the river they return to camp for the night, exhausted, and unsuccessful in everything that day.

June 06, 2018, 11:49:28 PM
Re: Balanced that spirit, fixed them sacrifices And even a step further... a lump of spoiled meat should anger the spirits.
A sacrifice should be something the character actually needs to be valid at all.

June 09, 2018, 12:05:07 PM
Re: Rauko

Badgerbane is behaving strangely as if she is afraid also and she won't eat when offered food. Rauko becomes very sleepy and can not keep his eyes open any longer.

Rauko falls into a nightmarish sleep in which all the bad dreams he has had since his father was killed come back and assail him. He tosses and turns and cries out, waking and being pulled back into the dreams.

June 11, 2018, 02:47:11 AM
Re: Village invertory system taking your food That's good news, Sami.  ;D

Having left lots of items in villages (in buildings and on the ground), I've never thought the villagers would touch them... but I never paid extra-close attention so I can't say if anything was taken.

I like what you said, it makes things a bit uncertain.  :)

June 12, 2018, 10:14:57 PM
Re: Rauko The night passes without dreams. With over 9 dozens of elk meat cuts and no known village nearby, he decides to dry most of it rather than let it go to waste. Even if he never returns to this shelter, maybe some hungry wanderer will find it.

Now he heads back to find the elk carcass and it's already late afternoon. It wasn't easy to find because he didn't pay enough attention to landmarks yesterday.

Back at the lake, Rauko tries boiling some elk meat in his pot... he has no vegetables, but it turns out pretty good. The rest of the meat is divided between roasting and raw for the dog. Then he works on tanning the hide.

Next morning he starts the long, laborious beating of the hide and is happy with the result.

The snow on the ground has melted, but the lake is still iced over. In the night, there is rain.

June 15, 2018, 02:04:57 AM
Re: Rauko Morning sees Rauko leaving the shelter to continue along the river north-east. Leaving most of his worst arrowheads & shafts in a pile, he and Badgerbane set out along the river.

June 16, 2018, 03:30:57 AM
Re: Rauko They travel along the river, which is about 1/2 mile to their right, taking advantage of high-ground to see the surrounding land and look for signs of any villages. Once they see an elk in the distance and then further on meet some foreigners who have some very interesting items to trade. Rauko finds something that should be very useful indeed.

June 16, 2018, 03:23:41 PM
Re: Rauko Rauko visits two more Sartolais villages and finds they have no weapons or armor to trade, only food and crops. So the journey continues along the river until weariness forces him to stop.

The next day, he becomes certain that he's not traveling the same route as when he came down the river, this is unfamiliar land. After skirting around the large lake, he finds yet another very large lake, and is a bit lost, not finding the river again.

Badgerbane chases a hare, but can't catch it. She followed its scent in and out of spruces, startling it out of hiding, but was not able to find it in the end.

June 20, 2018, 10:11:34 PM
Re: Rauko Rauko decides to turn back north, hoping to find some territory that is familiar.

Suddenly, traveling through a large forest mostly of spruces, a dirty-looking wildman sees them. By the time Rauko can drop his heavy gear and arm himself with shield, axe, and knife, Badgerbane has run to attack!

Rauko runs to the fight and is halfway there when his dog is hit two times by the man's two-handed axe and has trouble staying on her feet. By the time Rauko closes with the man, she has been knocked down and isn't moving.

Angered, Rauko stabs the red-clad man in the hip with a knife thrust, then moves over to protect his fallen companion. The whistling axe strikes Rauko in the side, but the wound is minor thanks to his mail. After trading blows a few times, the man stabs him deeply in the leg with a knife.

Wounded, and with his shield seriously damaged by the axe, Rauko is worried. As the fight goes on, he struggles to overcome the intense pain of his wounds.

The man strikes a blow to his shoulder, but loses his grip on the axe. Rauko's shield also slips from his grasp.

Both retrieve their dropped weapons and the wildman is quicker and Rauko sustains another hit to his thigh.

They trade blows a few more times and Rauko is knocked down, blacking out only for a moment. He rouses himself quickly and struggles to get up as he is hit again.

Blood on his hand is slippery and he can't hold his handaxe.

Rauko sees his father's face, calling to him...

He goes to be with his father.

June 21, 2018, 12:09:10 PM