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Re: Utility knives and axes in 3.50 The small knife is used for a number of handicraft task, I think, and is rather essential in Buiodda's Crafts mod.
The hunting knife is a fighting knife, essentially, and can be seen as a generic alternative to the Northern or the Kaumolais knife.
The Fisher's knife isn't preferred for anything in vanilla, as far as I know. I guess it would be good for cleaning fish, but there's no such task in UrW currently.
The "knife"(i.e. without any specific purpose) isn't preferred for anything, unsurprisingly.

The splitting axe is also used to make fire wood (which you don't really need in vanilla).

As far as I understand, using a non preferred tool counts as using a preferred one of one quality level less. You're informed that your tools are to blame, not your skill when you would have succeeded had the tools been up to the task.

There was recently a thread where quality effects was touched upon, and that indicated you received a success roll bonus from masterworks quality tools, but nothing from fine quality (while fine and masterworks gave increasing bonuses for fighting). However, I can't say I've noticed any increase in the number Superior skins gained with a masterworks broad knife compared to the fine one when I finally was able to upgrade.

It can also be noted that the change log quote provided by Privateer is somewhat misleading, as you can't make wooden bowls with a quality better than decent anymore, because the resulting item quality is capped by the quality of the input item, and wooden blocks are all decent. The item quality logic still applies, though, and you can still produce poor and leaky bowls.

April 09, 2018, 09:50:16 AM
Re: New look of rain a bit hard on the eyes The rain is a pain on the eyes at times:
- Hunting: the rain effect makes it hard to see any tracks, including those right next to the character.
- Harvesting: Seeing the difference between ripe and not gets very hard when it's raining, to the point that I sometimes have to use the look function to figure out the stage of the plant. Note that I'm already zoomed in to the max when harvesting.

April 10, 2018, 08:25:56 AM
Re: New look of rain a bit hard on the eyes It's been mentioned by Sami that rain is a .png (gui-rain.png and ele-rain.png according to a search in the truetile folder) and that those images can be edited. Maybe somebody with a hint of artistic talent beyond the stick figure drawing level could edit the images and post alternative ones with a lesser impact?
April 10, 2018, 04:00:38 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers As MrMotorhead said, villages have a slow turn over (probably too slow for your quest limit), while traders have silver more often (I wouldn't put it at 50%: I'd say it's less than 50% for them to have trinkets, and probably less than half of the trinkets are silver).
Anyway, check out all traders, as adviced. Whether to lug around furs or not depends on whether you're close enough to a stash to mark the trader location on the map once they've been confirmed to hold desired goods, rush back to grab furs, and then return to trade.
If you're lugging around a trading stock, I'd recommend using a cow of burden (or a dog if you're not yet rich enough for a cow). Silver isn't cheap, so a sufficient trade stock is going to weigh a fair bit, and you really don't want to run into a Njerp with a movement speed of 3 km/h (and I don't know if robbers steal the trade goods, but I would expect them to...).

April 14, 2018, 11:28:11 AM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers It should be two to build a floor/ceiling, or you wouldn't be able to build buildings more than a tile wide...
And yes, you need a floor as well.

April 15, 2018, 11:03:29 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers 1. I've been under the impression clothing quality only affects value, but clothing material does (with bear fur being the best fur material, if I remember correctly). Note that this is far from a confirmation of any kind.

2. Bear skull/teeth: as MrMotorhead said. There is a use for bear teeth as well...
- Bones: dogs can eat them, but I've found it's a pain as the mutt barks every time it nibbles at a bone, and it isn't really sufficient to keep it fed. Dogs eat bones of the same type in a round robin fashion, so you'll end up with a lot of partially eaten single bones if you try to stack everything into one pile. Also note that human corpses decay into bones as well, and dogs eat those too, without being starved. Thus, I pile the bones of slain foes in a big pile on a rock in the rapids my character's homestead is located by.
Interestingly, the bones from different humans do not stack; Njerps, Reemi, and Vagabond robbers form 3 stacks.
- Antlers: I've found no use for them beyond being a source of mod reactions (such as e.g. Buiodda's Crafting, which also uses bone and bear teeth).

April 17, 2018, 12:41:04 AM
Re: Delivery quests: Could villagers point us towards the right person? Geographic directions are limited to 8 directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) and distances are in integral km ROUNDED UP (and I don't think diagonal distances are longer than horizontal, so 31 tiles is 4 km both straight north and straight NE (instead of 5 [31 * square root of 2])).This system means two or even 3 villages can match the "directions", which is rather annoying.  I've proposed introduction of directions such as NEN as a past suggestion.

Yes, the ability to ask for people involved in current quests would help a lot. Even a simple branch gathering quest can be a pain when the quest giver has decided to go on a walkabout around a double village with 10 people having the same outfit.

And I second the suggestion for named villages, unless that actually wasn't a thing in the Finnish iron age.

Potential, completely speculative reason for a lack of village names: Slash & burn farming requires reasonably frequent relocation as the soil got depleted and the depleted area around the village grew, so villages would be sort of temporary (on a decades scale, probably). If the population of abandoned villages didn't all go to the same spot to form a new settlement, but rather split up and mixed, settlements might not be worthy of a name (but all settlements wouldn't be abandoned at the same time, so you wouldn't have that many options to join up with nicer people than the assholes you FINALLY got away from).

April 17, 2018, 01:05:30 AM
Re: Spirit relation re-balancing I agree the spirits should be mysterious (and quite possibly fickle), but I believe the player should be told what the character knows, that is, how you're supposed to use the rituals according to the custom. That might not be the "optimal" way, but should be good enough. Rebellious/adventurous/curious characters/players may then try variations of the custom(s) [plural, as different cultures may have differences in their customs].

I can no longer sacrifice a fish after using the fishing rod ritual, as I sacrifice a piece of (spoiled) meat every morning, and "double" sacrifices result in a reaction of displeasure (which also happens when my character wakes up early, and so the invisible date line hasn't been crossed yet when the morning sacrifice is conducted).

April 17, 2018, 01:18:47 AM
Re: After power outage bug I use 7-zip to split the zip file into 10 MB chunks and send each chunk into a separate mail. The chunks would be added as mail attachments.
Sami's mail address is found on the Contact page of the forum (

April 23, 2018, 10:42:24 PM
Re: Asking NPCs to find quest related persons in villages Good stuff. I don't consider it gamey for a villager to know they don't have any fellow villager with that name and description (the description part isn't visible, but I'd expect quest givers to actually provide some info on who they're after beyond what's stated in the dialog). Thus, the absent option would basically be an automatic: "No, we don't have anyone with that name and description here".

The same name is bad enough, but the same name and "profession" can definitely be annoying. Fortunately, both old men with the same name happened to be in the same building when I got a quest direction to one of them.

Names: I've found Sami:s but no Erkka:s, so I hope that's been rectified ;) Otherwise, in the naming department I've seen lots of names that seem out of place/time:
- Anna, seems like a Scandinavian import. There are quite a few of those, although some have Finnish spelling (like Aarne the Eagle). I guess they could fit in on the western side, though.
- Names like Natasha and Katushka seem slavic, and could be pushed to the eastern side.
- A lot of names seem suspiciously Christian, e.g Tuomas.
However, weeding out names goes opposite to the desired direction of more name variability...

April 28, 2018, 08:54:09 PM