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Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers You can steal from their fields and pastures (yes, taking a sample from there is also considered theft) and if they don't see you they don't know about it (although they might be suspicious if you try to sell their stolen goods to them).

If they see you they'll tell you off and get a bit angry (your reputations with the village is lowered a bit). They also don't like you setting traps on their property, by the way.

March 12, 2018, 08:27:20 AM
Re: Insufficient unity Learning new rituals is indeed rather slow (which I don't think is bad). My character is about 4 years in, and there are a fair number of rituals I know exist, but haven't been offered (including two of the spirit ones).

The only way I know of to get quests is to ask people how they are doing. You can occasionally get "lost character" quests in the wilderness by talking to woodsmen, but apart from that you get quests in villages.
Most quests in villages are "public", i.e. when talking to someone in that village they'll direct you to the quest giver, but some are private, i.e. revealed only if you happen to talk to that specific character.

Most quests give mundane rewards in the form of credits for goods (not animals!). Some give training (my second favorite type) in skills, some give spells (my favorite), some provide the location of a treasure, and a couple give specific rewards that seem to be essentially the same for every instance of that quest.

March 21, 2018, 08:27:10 PM
Re: Insufficient unity
Once you have enough wealth, start carrying high quality knives and arrows around with you.  I have received three new spells from characters that want to trade them for nice knives or arrows.  These quests won't be known by everyone in the village, but the quest giver will walk right up to you and start talking.
I've received a few "I like your stuff" quests, but I initiated the conversation in every instance. However, my quest thirsting characters try to speak to everyone (except kids) in the hope of getting a quest (speaking to women is rather pointless as far as I know, as I have yet to find any giving a quest that isn't public, and the single quest I've found with a female quest giver was public. Thus, I speak to the women for role playing reasons).

March 22, 2018, 08:11:47 AM
Re: Feeding animals? Overlapping a fair bit with Privateer's answer...

Dogs (and the PC) only eat humans when starving, and they will be hungry for a fair while before that, so you'd have to suffer a lot of barking before it happens.

Raw and unspoiled (including stale) processed meat and fish is readily eaten by dogs, but they won't touch spoiled cooked/dried/smoked food, so that's just garbage. Other animals will not eat processed food of any kind.

Spoiled fish and meat can be used as bait, it it works poorly: fresh is considerably better.

After the dog ate the bones of my first Njerp I now keep Njerp/robber bones in piles on skerries in the rapids (the next best thing as we don't have heads on poles).

Bears eat fish and meat, and possibly berries. Some birds eat berries (birds of prey eat meat, or course), hares love turnips and other roots, and I think elks and reindeer eat turnips as well. Badgers eat just about anything. Also, you can multi-bait...

There was a threat on the old forum where various baits were discussed.

March 24, 2018, 07:30:55 AM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers If I've understood penalties correctly, very light, and possibly light, skills are unaffected by encumbrance, and it seems fatigue doesn't affect those skills either. If that's the case physician should be unaffected by those, and injury possibly likewise be ignored (quite important if you're close to death after failing to resist a robbery!).

Low endurance probably has a very nasty effect beyond slow recovery: namely an increased risk of fainting due to pain (my character before the current one died because of that: a wolf bite to the arm resulted in fainting... Well before that, most every robber encounter resulted in fainting as a moronic hireling would fire an arrow into the back of the character, and once a robber managed to hit with an arrow, resulting in the character being immediately robbed and transported away, despite the hirelings being in the way of them of actually reaching the character. They were more or less frozen in place as the character got replacement equipment and returned to the fight, zooming in to the same location as before the fainting).

Swimming distance is extremely dependent on encumbrance, while injury only has a minor effect. I haven't compared across characters, so I can't say anything about stat effects, although I'd expect a low endurance would cause fatigue to be accumulated faster.

March 25, 2018, 11:17:10 AM
Re: Tracking a Cow That quest is probably the worst region one, as you need luck to find the tracks and have no clue as to where the blasted critter is (some quests at least gives you a terrain border).

Anyway, I go back and forth over the region one line at a time, zooming in to each tile, look forward, look backward, zoom out turn 180 degrees, move one tile, zoom in ... Once I cross the area I move one tile in the other direction. Scanning a complete area using that method takes 3-5 days. I've tried using tracking from the world map, but it adds a lot of time (probably close to doubles it), and it seems to be very unreliable.
Obviously, searching will have to be performed when there's sufficient light to see tracks, although that's not very far, with makes the quest even harder. So far I've been lucky, though, and have completed them.

If you do find the tracks, they may be called bull tracks rather than cow tracks. If that's the case Sami would like to examine a save where he can take a look at the misnamed tracks (I've made a post in the bug section about this).

March 25, 2018, 11:12:40 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers My understanding is that it has to be silver, which means jewelry, but any kind of that should work. All metal armor and weaponry is iron based (it's past the bronze age...) and silver is a poor metal for those purposes.
This may mean a bit of hunting around: merchants sometimes carry silver jewelry, but 3.50 introduced jewelry in villages as well. It's not common, but it can be found (and I think village ones are tribal, which currently doesn't mean anything technically).


Also, consider that when the quest text says "sauna stove" it actually means a sauna stove, not a PC made stove usable as a sauna for all other purposes, so I'd definitely expect "silver" to mean actual silver.

March 26, 2018, 10:36:34 PM
Re: Old mods I'm using a somewhat modded version with 3.50 without issues. The compatibility part I've made was to remove antler, bone, and tooth extraction as those are part of 3.50. I haven't had any problem with using bone and antler based recipes, for instance.
April 01, 2018, 08:56:13 PM
Re: Probably the stupidest thing I’ve done in game.
Sympathies for your poor dog.  I have had the same sort of thing happen to me while I was trying to finish off an unconscious bear.  I cracked my dog over the head with the blunt (thankfully) end of the spear and fractured his skull.  It was nearly a disaster because he turned on me and tried to savage me.  Luckily he calmed down after I dodged.

In the future I think I'll be tying my dogs up when I close in for a killing blow on a down opponent.
You only need to tie up your dogs with predators or when you keep them starving. In the first case they'll attack the predator (harming the skin, but possibly preserving yours), while in the second they will eat a fresh kill (again harming the skin).

I drowned trying to crawl back on the ice over and over while having a punt in my inventory...
I don't think the punt would actually help, but shedding weight from the inventory surely does. And once you manage to get up onto the ice you may be able to get into the punt to smash yourself to the shore (but crawling, abandoning the punt, might be better, as it's probably faster, and you need to get a warming fire going soon, unless your character has really warm clothing (which, again, contributes to your encumbrance, so it might help once you actually get out of the water, but it will hinder you from actually getting out...).

April 03, 2018, 12:17:31 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers @Bakkat:

I try to use yarrow (both flowers and leaves), but hemp and nettles have a lot higher yield (with hemp being the easy choice). As mentioned, herbs often have various effects, so you should avoid effects you don't want (check the wiki or your character's herb lore examining the plants). Any kind of leaves and flowers work. I suspect roots do not, but I'm not sure. Seeds don't work as seasoning.

You may not want the stimulant effects of bear/mother pipe on constantly, for instance, and increased appetite might be a good thing if you're tanning elk hides or performing other long duration hard work that degrades your nutrition level, but is probably a nuisance to use as the base level.

April 06, 2018, 09:52:59 AM