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Re: Thank you, URW! I too enjoy the game a lot. And I also enjoy discharging products made in your hometown Ilya.

October 31, 2020, 03:04:28 AM
Character and clothing&armor sizes At the moment if someone wants to play (metal) armor wearing warrior, they either choose Kaumolais or Sartolais character. They have largest size and as weight directly affects carry weight and encumbrance penalty; there’s no reason to choose any other culture.

Now the suggestion!

Have small characters, say under 65kg (~143lbs) average/usual size above that and below ~90kg (198lbs) and large characters, above 95kg/198lbs
All weights debatable.

Then add ‘small’ and ‘large’ sized armor and clothing items. Keep the current items as average/usual size.
Decrease small clothing and armor weight by (maybe 10-15%) and increase large variants weight by 10-15%
Values debatable.

No more getting correctly fitting armor for the 100kg/220lbs Kaumolainen from that 103lbs/47kg Njerpez.

Also, with metalworking/smithing in dev.plans, enable re-sizing and repairing existing armor.

October 31, 2020, 03:53:21 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Indeed. There’s a bug that causes NPC to refer the culture as their own. I.e. Driiks will claim any village they know location of as a Driik village.
Same goes for vagabonds and foresters.

The same bug manifests itself, in reverse, with for example “unfortunate hunting trip” scenario where character’s deceased father is of the culture where the game begins.

November 01, 2020, 11:36:34 PM
Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences Elk stamina should be multiplied by factor of 10-20. Endurance hunting elk should be a few days walk without rest. Not the current: send dog after an elk and then catch up 400m later to a breathless elk. Also, creatures as NPCs should get fatigued more in snow (apart from certain creatures running on the snow)

Erkka and others responded to another suggestion (springs, creeks, road rework) which included mention of game behavior, get in the water, swim or ford; so I full heartedly agree here.

November 10, 2020, 10:34:31 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? ... as for dark ages Finnish blasphemers... do absolutely nothing... spirits would correct their ways, there’d be no reason for folks to intervene.
If you’ve done “bird thief quest” you’ll know the attitude going against someone else: they might even put a spell on you. Better to keep to yourself.

November 10, 2020, 10:38:42 PM
Re: Wolfpack guarding traps aka what the hell do I do now!? —snip—
Can someone remember trapping a big wolf with a deadfall trap? Pits don't count.
I found a dead big wolf in a big deadfall trap I had originally built to catch a lynx. The fox/arctic fox* cut bait was gone.

*fox cuts are useless for anything else really IMO

November 10, 2020, 10:45:25 PM
Re: Bird thief quest; thief won't turn himself in? Feathers thrown or pushed, on fire remains: sauna stove or base rock. Should do the trick.
But if the feathers are NOT the quest specific ones, it’ll naturally fail to work as scripted.

November 10, 2020, 10:48:39 PM
Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences Loop snares as well as lever traps do catch hares unbaited. Simply set the trap(s) on the animals path. And here a shrub, low fence, house/barn wall can be used to guide the animals into the traps. Even row of logs or trunks* should be usable as small-game fence. Yes, they can fly/jump/scurry/climb over around or even make U-turn; but small game, especially prey ones, like cover. And predators, well, like to check the cover spots.

*I wish the trunks/logs would be longer than 2m; than what we get from fallen trees...

November 17, 2020, 05:41:58 AM
Re: Live fish sometimes visible in nearby water When bigger fish splash, it’s often to catch/attempt to catch prey close to surface. Small fish, frogs, pupa/larvae/adult insects etc.

Seeing splash rings on the water would definitely improve immersion a lot. And even when not seeing the splash, our characters’ should hear the splashes.

November 19, 2020, 05:49:13 AM
Re: Re-triggering command for loop snares and paw-boards too I’m confused, do you mean resetting a triggered loop snare in vicinity?
And if so: yes please. Also enable the resetting for paw-board traps.

November 22, 2020, 04:59:00 PM