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Ending up far up on land when using punt I used a punt to cross a river by zooming out, traveling one tile, and then zooming in. I then ended up far up on land (while still on a river tile), presumably because I've gone there during the winter, and thus have zoomed out from the water. The tile is a river bend tile and my location is some 5 tiles diagonally from the river course changing point (on the "outside" of the "knee").

There's a need for a check that the stored zoomed in location is valid for the traveling mode, and use the default one if it isn't.

This is a minor inconvenience as I'm using a punt, but I wouldn't like that to happen with a raft loaded up with logs...

February 20, 2018, 09:56:21 AM
Re: Impossible quest
In 3.50 beta, I was just offered a herb gathering quest that was impossible herb gathering quest for my current character to fulfill. 

On day 6 of 4th week before winter, I was asked to collect 30 yarrows.  My herblore is 42% and I haven't yet been able to identify yarrow.  This quest was offered after the first snowfall.  I declined the quest.  What else could I have done?
Yarrow can be picked for leaves and seeds quite late (in fact, that "early" I'm not sure seeds are available yet), so that quest wasn't impossible at all. Now your skill might not be up to scratch, but as discussed in the bug section (where I report what I think IS an impossible herb gathering quest), you can bring what you pick to the quest giver and try to give it to him. If he says he doesn't want it it's the wrong herb, if it's the correct one I think he says he needs more of it (assuming you just bring a sample). You then have to remember what you brought, of course (or keep one sample for yourself when giving him the rest), and then look for more of <randomized name> herbs, as the name is fixed per game once allocated.

February 21, 2018, 09:23:31 PM
Re: Tracking Njerpez I don't think you're guaranteed to land in the middle of the tile... That said, it can be surprisingly hard to find tracks, and I sometimes wonder if there were any, of if the tile the Njerp was displayed to be on is incorrect.

I typically move to the tile adjacent to the Njerp one, move 25 tiles diagonally towards the edge of the Njerp tile, and then 50 along one edge, 50 along the next, 50 along then next, and 50 along the last one to return to what should be the starting point of the box. That assumes I actually landed at the center of the adjacent tile, though.

February 22, 2018, 08:45:11 AM
Re: Robbers ruin my early game Robbers come in groups of 3 to 6. I usually manage to get away (I never walk up to an "adventurer" on the overland map, but rather zoom in and walk towards the location, so I usually see them as the appear in the distance, and can zoom out and leave).
I haven't had any problem with shooting them first (which I do on robber quests once I have located them and gathered a posse [nobody but my character may use a missile weapon]). You may be able to run, but they're fast runners. Once they've got you, the best thing is to yield, in which case they steal your good stuff, but won't hurt you or your dog (and I think it may be possible to cheat by dropping your good stuff on the ground and pick it up after they've told you to run). If you fight (and don't have backup) they typically manage to beat you into unconsciousness (and sometimes death), steal your good stuff, kill your dog (unless it somehow managed to flee) and dump you half dead somewhere.
It's possible to kill robbers with hit and run tactics, but it's extremely hard without a fast character (and very hard with one).
If you run into them in hyperspace and are yanked out of hyper warp yes, they'll be right on top of you as you're zoomed in.

February 25, 2018, 12:56:53 PM
Re: Robbers ruin my early game
snip... (and I think it may be possible to cheat by dropping your good stuff on the ground and pick it up after they've told you to run). ... snip
Have you (or anyone else) been able to do this successfully? The only time I tried it was in Mik's story, and it certainly did not work for him.
I've had one case where I was able to pick up the stuff later (after healing up and killing the robbers, I think) and another when I wasn't.  I think the case where I was successful was one where my character resisted and possibly tried to flee. Anyway, the character was at least some bit away from the dropped stuff when they managed to beat him unconscious.

Also, the beggar tactics is useful for robber quests, i.e. leave your good stuff at the homestead and wear/use second rate stuff (e.g. taken from Njerps and robbers). If you can't get away from the robbers, yield and let them take whatever junk they want, if any. The last time I tried it they did take my woolen mitten, though, as I'd screwed up my character outfit (the also took some expendable tool, so I had to return back to the homestead to reequip, as those robbers weren't the ones I was looking for, but ones found on the way and investigated carelessly as the outfit was suitable for yielding).

After having lost a dog to a reindeer I don't send dogs after prey... Following the tracks ought to eventually lead you to the dog ('s remains) I think. I believe this situation is what the hunting horn is for, though: to all on your dog(s) when they're too far away to hear you (UrW dogs seem to have their hearing reduced to human levels).

February 25, 2018, 04:48:57 PM
Re: "The forest around looks extremely hostile." It's common.
I haven't experienced anything that ought to be caused by it. The feeling comes from the forest spirits being angry with you for your actions and not getting enough sacrifices to make up for it.
Forest spirits get angry for anything of theirs you kill, and I think felling trees also angers them. Sacrifices reduce their anger and can turn the feeling into being pleased with you (although I haven't encountered anything that I'd attribute to that either).
As far as I can tell the system is currently a bit unbalanced with any kill having the same weight, so a squirrel and an elk are basically worth about one sacrifice. However, you can only make a single sacrifice per day (try a second one: I do that by mistake occasionally), which means that there is no chance to satisfy the spirits if you live only off small game.
The spirits of the water seem to fall into the same pool as the spirits of the forest, so you can essentially select which one to sacrifice to, but not both. I don't know how water spirit demerit points work, though.
It also seems that the size/quality of sacrifices doesn't matter, so I usually sacrifice spoiled raw meat (1 cut to the spirits and two to the dog).

March 03, 2018, 06:15:18 PM
Re: "The forest around looks extremely hostile." As far as I've seen, you can sacrifice once per day, where the day ticks over somewhere in the middle of "morning". If you do a second sacrifice (e.g. because you woke up early, so you're technically in the previous "day") you "feel a bit unsteady" (if I remember the wording correctly). I haven't noticed any effect from accidental double sacrifices (apart from the message and wasted resources).
There may well be a geography connection as well, but as far as I can tell the sacrificial limit is one sacrifice per day shared between water and forest (and all regions). Thus, you can kill multiple times in a day, but only sacrifice once.

My starting characters rapidly get a horrible relation with the spirit of the forest since the only thing that can be caught are birds, and you need multiple birds per day to fill your belly (while still having to go hungry frequently). If you use passive hunting, you frequently get the situation that you get nothing for days on end, only to get frenzy periods where you get multiple birds per day, spending all your time processing the birds.

A trick I've used early on is to sacrifice the bird fat and use bark for tanning instead. That way the belly can be kept at least half full, instead of wasting half the meat of the catch on a sacrifice.

March 05, 2018, 08:01:44 AM
Re: Probably the stupidest thing I’ve done in game. But my character is Reemi!
March 06, 2018, 04:50:29 PM
Spirit relation re-balancing The spirit and magic enhancements are good in general. However, there are a few things I think need re-balancing:

1. As far as I can tell, sacrifices now use a joint pool, as opposed to separate pools (and spells) for different targets earlier. I think they need to be split up again, so sacrifice of fish automatically goes towards satisfying the water spirits and meat to appease the forest ones, and these pools being independent, i.e. having made an offering to the spirits of the forest shouldn't block a sacrifice to the spirits of the water. Whether there should be a regional split up as well can be discussed, as I don't know if there are regional differences or not, but if there are, sacrifices to one region/realm spirit shouldn't affect sacrifices to another.
2. Spirit mood feedback should likewise be split up more. I keep getting messages of unity with the water even though my character haven't fished for half a year, and the sacrifices for almost as long have been of meat (I had some roaches that needed sacrificing).
3. The "cost" of kills should be re-balanced so it's possible to live off small game without being hated by the spirits of the forest. It should be contemplated whether the value (in some currency, e.g. amount/nutrients of meat and/or fur value) of a kill and sacrifice should affect the spirit relation adjustment. Currently it seems a sacrifice of a spoiled hazel grouse lump of fat has the same impact as a whole salmon or fresh bear cut.
4. "Special" sacrifices (of which I know a single one) should not be blocked by the standard ones, and given their cost, they ought to give a larger boost to the relation than the standard one.
5. Spirit moods ought to move towards neutral over time if nothing affects them, so a relation of unity should decay towards neutral if you neither sacrifice nor "harvest" from the spirit's domain, and the same should a furious relation.
However, some folklore seems to have rather petty supernatural actors with long memories, so it might not be wrong to let good relations decay a lot faster than bad ones are repaired.

March 10, 2018, 10:43:34 AM
Re: Cow of Burden Burdened How do you find out what the clothes think of you? ;)
And yes, clothes typically don't stack as they all have different levels of wear. Fur cloaks, for instance, are heavy and good candidates for being carried by beasts.

March 12, 2018, 08:22:45 AM