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Re: Runaway Slave scenario - running away success rate One thing I recommend, if you don't like your ancestors getting overwritten with a bunch of failed attempts, is to look at lastentry.txt. Mine says "10" right now, which means that ancestor 11 is the next to be overwritten (the last 50 ancestors are saved normally). My shortest lived character was Birki, who lived only 1 day. I'd rather Birki get overwritten than some beloved character who lived 2 years, so I can look in those folders for to see which folder is BIRKI's, and then set lastentry.txt to be the number before Birki's folder (or 49, if Birki is in folder 0).
July 02, 2021, 11:44:33 AM
Re: Iron Age Common Names: ideas for next UrW Character You can also find names in the .DAT files in the urw folder, there are six files, sorted by gender and region (north, east, west).
July 03, 2021, 03:50:04 PM
Re: 3.70b migrated character, soil month, temperature too hot I've done the weather.dat trick with all my migrated characters now, and I've gone on to play a couple months without any weather silliness with one of these characters
July 05, 2021, 07:12:33 PM
Re: [3.70b] Friendly animals fought each others I've had that happen with sheep quite a lot, I stopped buying sheep because of it. I haven't had the problem with cows for some reason. I think it's a bug that's been there for a long time
July 05, 2021, 07:21:22 PM
Re: Moon and sun in the sky at the same time? It happens in real life, too, and not just in Finland
July 10, 2021, 06:10:59 PM
Re: Moon and sun in the sky at the same time? The way the sun and the moon are represented got me thinking about when solar eclipses might have been visible in the years of the game.   I found these PDFs

And I think this one is the one for URW:

July 12, 2021, 08:02:05 AM
Re: [Not a bug - 3.70] Retting and drying is very fast even with many items Thanks for this information and all these pictures! It's interesting to see how it was done.
July 19, 2021, 06:41:26 PM
Re: squeezing damage? I've seen squeeze damage from bears versions ago but since then I only fight bears who are trapped by throwing stones at them so I haven't been hugged recently.

It's probably still in the game; there hasn't been anything about it being removed and you can see your squeeze protection on the F7 screen.

July 26, 2021, 08:58:30 PM
Re: The Oath [Vegetarian/Pacifist challenge] The item limit is around 1600 squares planted (or squares that have stuff you dropped on it), so it takes a lot of work to hit it, but if you plant a 40x40 square then you will get lots of messages about having too many items on this tile and needing to spread your stuff out. In the old days, you'ed just start losing items, but now the warnings happen way before the item loss starts so it's safe.
August 27, 2021, 09:39:05 AM
Re: 3.70 beta 3 - randomly catching branches while rod fishing can you cook these branches? can you eat them? :)
October 07, 2021, 12:04:55 PM