UnReal World forums
Development => Development News => Topic started by: Sami on October 03, 2024, 04:15:31 PM
As mentioned earlier, proceeding with the pausable crafting requires many kind of changes to the delicate core functions of the crafting system.
As feared earlier, mistakes or faulty code within these core functions might bring the whole crafting system into a state of malfunction.
And quite recently we experienced that as several batch production multipliers stopped working and the whole system kind of went out of order.
Luckily it didn't take too long to get things back in order, but it was a good reminder to continue paying careful attention to this transition and to proceed piece by piece, category by category.
When the hiccups started we were in the middle of converting crafting of the items in "textilecraft" and "tying equipment" categories into pausable crafting system.
That is now accomplished, and next we'll move into converting crafting of the items in fishing category into pausable system. When it's done, I think it would be best to start wrapping up things for a release.
With pausable tying equipment we had to allow a certain exception to the rule of continuing the paused craft. To continue paused tying equipment crafting you use any similar type of crafting again - ie. any cord, rope or withe - standing beside the partially finished item. So, even if you had eg. paused leather rope in the making trying to craft eg. birch-bark rope beside it continues the original paused craft. So, if you choose to craft any type of cord, rope or withe the existing paused cord, rope or withe at the location will be finished first. This is because comparing the item name to the recipe item name isn't as straightforward as we can have things like "Nettle cord" or "Mixed cord" etc. to be produced with "Cord" recipe. And so on. Having it work like this can be slightly confusing, but hopefully still tolerable. If not, we'll see about adding more complex comparison routines in the future versions.
And as we proceed, some new modding tags/properties will be also added as necessary. Now there will be a new [sucmodqty] item header tag to specificy success modified quantity of obtained items. Using [sucmodqty] modifies the number of items to produce, specified as (num), based on how the crafting attempt succeeded. Very succesfull crafting produces close to or exactly the specified number of items, and failures produce that much less. This kind of system is already in use with some hardcoded crafts but now it becomes also a modding feature, and for starters will be in use at least with wood slats and shingles.
As an example, if we had an item header like this:
.Club. (10) /5h/ *COMMON* [sucmodqty]
This would always produce 10 clubs if there wasn't [sucmodqty] in use. But now as there's [sucmodqty] tag it can produce something like 7-10 clubs based on how the crafting attempt succeeds.
These are future features, not yet function in current version 3.84.2